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10/3/23 Newsletter


No School

No school on Friday, October 6, 2023 due to Teacher Workshop Day.

No school on Monday, October 9, 2023 due to the Holiday.

Thank You

Thank you to the Odd Fellow here in Brooklin for donating two new bicycles for the After School Program.

After School Program 

Wednesdays activity we will be riding bikes.  Students staying must be able to ride a bike and is welcome to bring their own bike to ride.

Thursdays activity is gardening.

PTF Meeting

The next PTF Meeting will be Tuesday, October 10th at 3:10.

Picture Day Date

The School Picture Day will be October 10, 2023. Students are bringing home order forms for picture day this afternoon.  Since Lifetouch does a preorder, you may get a refund if you do not like them.



News from Ms. Porter, School Counselor

October is National Bullying Prevention Awareness Month.
We aren’t born knowing how to be in friendships and relationships. Learning and reinforcing these skills is part of our Brooklin School Counseling program.
We learn from what we see in our families, friends, school, and through media like tv shows and movies. Sometimes these examples can be misleading and actually make unhealthy
behaviors in friendships and relationships look normal and okay. This can be so confusing for young people who are just starting to have these experiences. This is why it is critical that we help our students learn what equality in friendships and relationships looks like and how we can create it, and to help them learn what abuse in friendships or relationships looks like and how they can get help.
To achieve this, we have invited NextStep of Hancock and Washington Counties to provide a skills based curriculum in our 6-8th grade and 3-5th combined SEL classes. This month, they will present information about equality and respect in friendships and relationships, being upstanders, and bringing positive changes in our schools and communities. Class content is modified to be age appropriate for students. Please let Ms Porter know if you would like more information about Next Step and what they will be bringing to our students in class.

Flu Vaccine Clinic Paperwork

Flu vaccine clinic  sign-up sheets have been sent home with students. Please complete and return the form to school no later than October 13th.




10/3  3:00 PM  Soccer Home game vs Penbroke

10/4  Soccer Game at Bay School B Team

Special Board Meeting at 6PM

10/5  3:00 PM  Soccer Practice

10/6   No School….Teacher Workshop Day

10/9   No School—Holiday

10/10  School Photo Day 9AM

3:30 PM   Home Soccer game vs. Blue Hill

10/11  3:00 PM  Soccer Practice

10/12    Soccer Game at Bay School

10/15     3:00 PM   Fun-O-Rama at MMA

10/16    3:30 PM   Home Soccer game vs. Deer Isle

10/17  3:00 PM  Soccer Practice

10/18  3:00 PM  Soccer Practice

10/19   Soccer Game at Sedgwick

Flu Clinic at School for Students and Staff

10/25–10/27   5/6 grades at Schoodic Educational Center (more info to follow)

10/27  12:30 PM   Early Release