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Art News

PK—The class has been working on using primary colors to create secondary colors with Ms. Wilson.  They showcased two secondary colors for their leprechaun masks 2 weeks ago.

K/1—The students are using oil pastel and blending the smudgy medium with patty papeon water color paper.  The kiddos taped three (somewhat) vertical  which will become white birch trees. We have removed the tape and will use a black colored  pencil to bring in the features of a birch.

2/3—The children have been led through a step by step drawing of a salmon.  This involves relating the parts of the fish and their size relative to the whole, while understanding how they are to composed onto a 2-dimensional plane in order to use the space just right.  This week we will watercolor the salmon.  This piece is meant to compliment their work in Super Studies with Ms. Bebell.

4/5—This class is beginning a multi-piece trek into black and white/dark and light through the mediums of scratchboard and stamp making.  In preparation for these, students practice with white chalk on black paper or in their iPad Sketch App with white marking on a black background. They have the option to create their own image or research scratchboard and stamp prints to recreate.

7/8—This class is beginning a multi-piece trek into black and white/dark and light through the mediums of scratchboard and stamp making.  In preparation for these, students practice with white chalk on black paper or in their iPad Sketch App with white marking on a black background. They have the option to create their own image or research scratchboard and stamp prints to recreate.

Pre-K State Flags


What Students are Learning!

This week Pre-K students discovered what color is created when yellow and red are combined; many guessed that it would be green, since that is the color that we created when we mixed blue and yellow, so it was fun to see and hear everyone’s reactions when the new color was ORANGE! Favorite read alouds were: Hush, Little Digger

 by Ellen Olson-Brown (sung to the tune of Hush Little Baby) and Swimmy by Leo Lionni. We have been exploring number sentences and “story problems” with one of our favorite songs:  “5 green and speckled frogs”.  Students worked with plastic frogs (and little logs) to show and reenact the song by having one frog at a time jump into the pool (where it was nice and cool) and using math words “take away” and “equals”. This week we will be finding out about what color is created when we mix red and blue!

K/1 White Birches


Mrs. Baird-This week in math the kindergarten and first graders did a graphing activity using Lucky Charms cereal. They talked about which shape they had the most of and which shape they had the least . There were a lot of trees and bells and very few blue moons and unicorns. Both grades did some e- spark to continue on their journey to become better mathematicians.  Both grades played some math games this week like capture the square and ways to add 9 using a ten and ten frame war. The first grade continued to work on place value and kindergarten worked on teen numbers and making addition equations.

In literacy, we wrote a letter to our pen-pal, Grammie Shirley, about spring! We told her what we are looking forward to and what we like about this season! We learned a few new sounds to go on our sound wall, oi/oy, all, and ph. The sound wall is important to build strong readers because the more familiar they are with these parts of words, the more easily they will be able to read new words that they come across. We also had buddy day on Friday when the kids got back from an awesome swim lesson, and the theme was a celebration for Maine’s birthday! We had traditional Maine treats, explored Maine based picture books, and each student even got to screen print their own Maine state flag!

2/3 Salmon Run


Mrs. Thoner- 2/3 ELA
Students have been learning about John Muir and Theodore Roosevelt and their work to protect land for generations to come.  However, they have also learned that the Native Americans were displaced with a lot of this “protection”. They have also been working on various idioms (“pulling my leg”), and on reflexive pronouns (i.e., himself, myself, herself, etc.).
45 ELA
Students are finishing up with their research projects.  Many students are finished, and others are still working diligently to complete the project.
6-8 ELA
Students are working on a project and a final assessment, both related to Esperanza Rising.  Please make sure to ask you child what they are producing!!  Each child had a choice of three projects to complete.  Their work has been really great!!
Mrs. Sproul- Math

2nd grade math –  We have been working on adding and subtracting using a number line.  We have done this with pencil and paper as well as in a computer program.  The kids are really understanding how to use the number line which will greatly benefit them in higher math. They also are continuing their work with fact fluency through worksheets and games.

3rd grade math – We have been working on rounding numbers to the closest 10 and closest 100.  This skill is essential as they will be able to estimate and determine if answers are close.  They also are continuing their work with fact fluency through worksheets and games.
5th and 5th grade math –  We continue our work with decimals and understanding place value and the relationship between decimals and fractions.  They also are continuing their work with fact fluency through worksheets and games.
6th grade math – We are continuing our work with unit rate and ratios.  In addition we are spending a bit of time filling in the “Covid gaps” in their learning.
7th grade math – We are working on percentages and looking at the percentage increase and decrease.  For example if an item is 25 percent off of the original price of 20 dollars, what is the sale price.  They also are continuing their work with fact fluency through worksheets and games.
8th grade math – We are continuing our work with linear equations.  We have spent some time understanding what balancing equations mean and are now working on balancing equations.

K-8  Silk Screen Maine Flags 

Mrs. Bebell- 6-8 Super Studies
Last week, students learned about international organizations such as NATO, the UN, and the Red Cross and discussed the different roles they play to help nations work together and to meet the needs of their citizens.
4/5 Super Studies
The students have been doing a wonderful job studying the Civil War. They are so curious and engaged in learning about this important part of American history! Last week they learned about how the Battle of Antietam played an important role in the Emancipation Proclamation and what that meant for enslaved people in different parts of the Union and the Confederacy.
2/3 Super Studies
While we wait for our salmon eggs to hatch, the students have been learning about their habitat and life cycle. The class also did an activity this week to demonstrate how fish like salmon fit into a food web for a freshwater ecosystem. The class is also continuing learning about the states by reading a book together every day from another state, adding it to their maps, and coloring in each state’s flag. So far in the month of March, we have read about 14 states.

Brooklin School 6-8th grade

The 6th-8th graders will be selling coffee and breakfast items at the Town Meeting this Saturday, so come prepared to support our kiddos while also supporting the Town of Brooklin! Saturday, 4/2/22. Help our students raise money for our class trip this spring.

Brooklin School 6-8th grade

The 6th-8th graders would love to set up an Easter egg hunt in your yard for you!



4/1 8-10 AM   Swimming for grades K-3

4/2  9:00 AM  Town Meeting in gym

4/8  8-10 AM   Swimming for grades K-3

4/12  6:00 PM   School Board Meeting

4/15  8-10 AM   Swimming for grades K-3 (Last Class)

4/15    12:30 PM  Early Release

4/18/–4/22   April Vacation