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Pre-K/K strategizing their next move, and then implementing it!

Curriculum Updates

Music/Performing Arts

PK/K – This week in music classes we continued to work on learning our songs for our virtual spring concert. We worked on the third verse of our song “Dip and Sway” and continued working on the Chorus for our song “One Small Voice”. We also played a fun song called “Aiken Drum” a song about a man who lives on the moon and is made entirely out of food. You can change the song to make him out of different things like “his eyes are made of blueberries” we enjoyed thinking of all the different food we could use to make our version of Aiken Drum!

1/2 – This week in music classes we continued to work on learning our songs for our virtual spring concert. We sang through the whole song for “Dip and Sway” and some of our friends tried out singing part of it by themselves! We also played a fun song called “Aiken Drum” a song about a man who lives on the moon and is made entirely out of food. You can change the song to make him out of different things like “his eyes are made of blueberries” we enjoyed thinking of all the different food we could use to make our version of Aiken Drum!

3/4 – This week we started learning to play our ukuleles! We learned to play the C chord and learned that we can play a whole song with just that one chord. We played “Frere Jaques” all together in class!

5/6 – This week we continued working on our holocaust music projects we hoped to get the song part of the project done this week so we can start getting our pictures ready and creating the movie part of the project done next week. We will be showing our projects in class before we leave for the April break.

7/8 – This week we continued working on our holocaust music projects we hoped to get the song part of the project done this week so we can start getting our pictures ready and creating the movie part of the project done next week. We will be showing our projects in class before we leave for the April break.

Pre-K and Kindergarten

Our mathematicians have been exploring measurement: taller than, shorter than, about the same; lighter than, heavier than, about the same. Pre-K students used linking cube “trains” to measure length and to create trains longer than, shorter than, and about the same length as friends; and loved comparing linking cube “towers” to their classmates and identifying towers that were longer, shorter, and about the same. 

Favorite read alouds this week in Pre-K/ K were: And Here’s to You!  by David Elliot and Under One Rock: Bugs, Slugs, and Other Ughs by Anthony D. Fredericks.

Puffin and Pre-K/K Art

Curriculum Updates

First and Second Grade
In math, the first graders started a new module about shapes. They learned the difference between a two-dimensional shape and a three-dimensional shape. They also learned the attributes of shapes. They also worked on getting quicker on their math facts. In math, the second graders continued to work on the RDW process and they are almost able to do it on their own! We also worked on adding and subtracting two-digit numbers and some strategies to help. We worked on 10 more than a number 10 less than a number and 100 more than a number and 100 less than a number. 
In literacy, both first and second graders were introduced to their literacy boxes, which are filled with independent and partner games, and fluency, vocabulary, and word work at each of their levels. First and second graders also all worked on an independent reading strategy that I call “think marks.” Each student gets three mini post-it notes and as they read, they reflect by writing on the post-it note and putting it in the book. If they think something is funny, they write “LOL” on the note. If they love a part of the book, they draw a heart, and if they have a question about what they are reading, they write a question mark on the note. After our independent reading time is finished, they pair up and share their think marks from that day. 

Daffodils  1/2 Art 

Curriculum Updates

3/4 – ELA  This past week students continued learning how to take notes using a graphic organizer.  The text continues to be The Iroquois: Six Nation Confederacy.Students remained socially distanced as they worked in pairs to read and discuss the text independently.  They then supported each other as they decided what the main idea of each section was, and drew inferences regarding what they had read.

5/6 – ELA  Students have been enjoying the unique writing style in The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick.  On Tuesday we had our first Voice 2 Voice workshop.  Students have chosen the poems they will memorize and eventually declaim.  Wednesday, we had Ellen Booraem join us for our weekly writing workshop time.  Students’ stories are coming along nicely.
7/8 – ELA   Students have launched into the text of To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee.  We are finding the reading somewhat challenging as a result of the changes in technology and language since 1935; but, we certainly are recognizing that people are still people, and prejudice and judgment continue to abound.

3/4 Wampum Belts

Curriculum Updates

3rd-grade math – We continue to plug through multiplication facts learning many different strategies to remember them.  Please ask your student which facts they are working on and remind them to study!

4th-grade math – This past week we worked on double-digit multiplication with factors of ten.  We also are brushing up on our single-digit math facts.  Please ask your student which facts they are working on and remind them to study!
5th-grade math – This past week they worked with fractions, specifically with mixed fractions and fractions with, unlike denominators.
6th-grade math – We continue our work with negative numbers, looking at absolute value and ordering numbers.
7th-grade math – We continue our work with writing and solving equations.  We looked at angels on a line and angles on a point.  The student really seemed to enjoy this section.
8th-grade math – The students continued their work with linear equations and systems of equations.  Some had a test and others will be taking one this next week.

5/6 Roman Aqueduct



4/8                                                        8th grade GSA Regestrations

4/15                                                     Town Public Hearing and Information Night  at 6 PM in school gym

4/17                                                     PTF Compost/Garden Fundraiser

4/19—4/23                                          April Vacation


5/7                                                       Coffee Social via Zoom

5/15                                                     Town Meeting at 9AM in school gym