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Welcome to Brooklin School. Click here to view school resources.

9/1/22 Newsletter

Welcome Back!!


School Address

PO Box 120

Brooklin, ME  04616

School starts at 7:45 AM and ends at 3:00 PM


Telephone Numbers

The Brooklin School    359-2133

FAX    359-2303

Superintendent 348-9100

Brown’s Busing 359-8053


New Staff at the Brooklin School

Welcome to the Brooklin School: Annie Porter, Guidance Counselor, and Mindy Eaton School Nurse and Dolphin Thalhauser, Performing Arts teacher. The student handbook has a complete list of teachers and staff and their emails.  This will be coming home shortly.


Bus Schedules

Brooklin Bus A—Eyleen, Driver

7:00 Hales Woods Road

7:03 Bay Road

7:06 Harriman Point Road

7:10 Flye Point Rd

7:15 Old County Road

7:20 Morse Lane

7:30 Brooklin School

Proceed to GSA


Brooklin Bus B—Louanne Munson, Driver

6:58 High Street

7:00 River Road

7:05 Reach Road

7:09 Folly Road

7:15 Naskeag Point Road

7:25 Pooduck Road

7:30 Brooklin School


NEW Drop Off and Dismissals

Buses will drop off students at 7:30 each morning.  Parents may drop off from 7:35 AM to 7:45 AM.  If you arrive before the buses have finished dropping off, please wait by the tennis courts till they leave.  Then parents drive up and drop off your student in a single file and one family at a time.  Do not pass any cars for the safety of students. Pick up in the afternoon will be done very similar.  Buses will load, and parents will line up behind the buses.  Do not park in front of any buses.  We will dismiss the bus riders and buses will leave.  Parent pick up will be called one student at a time in order of the parents in the drive-up line.  Parents will not be allowed in the building at any time this year, or until COVID is gone.



Students are tardy if they are not present at the beginning of the school, which is 7:45 AM. Tardiness is disruptive to other student’s learning and the teacher’s instruction.



Any forms sent home please read, fill out, and return to school ASAP.



Handbooks will be coming home later.  They will be sent digitally. If you need a paper copy, please contact Louanne.

Lunch Costs

School lunches will be free of charge for all students under the age of 18 this school year. Free and reduced forms will be coming home to fill out; requirement from the State.


Newsletter Update

The newsletter will be sent home via e-mail this school year. Please e-mail me at or call me at 359-2133 with any changes in your email.


Dress Code

Just a reminder of the dress code for the school year.  Please be sure shorts and skirts are of appropriate length.  A good way to judge would be no shorter than your fingertips if your hand is down to your side.

The purpose of the student dress code is to ensure a clean, safe, positive environment. Any clothing that disrupts the educational process and/or detracts from a positive school climate is not allowed in our school. While some specifics are mentioned in these guidelines, the principal ultimately has the authority to judge student dress and their appropriateness in the school environment. All students are expected to follow our dress code. Parents may be called at home or work if a student is not properly dressed for school. Brooklin School wants our students to be comfortable, so we set these expectations for them to be safe and healthy from the elements. Please contact the school guidance counselor, if your child needs support to keep your child safe and clothed.

1. Clothing must be clean, neat and in good repair.
2. All clothing shall have no words or artwork that glorifies alcohol, drugs, sex, tobacco, violence or death.
3.Clothing may not have offensive, obscene or suggestive language or pictures on it. No words on the back of pants.
4. Students must have and wear coats and boots when the weather is cold, snowy or muddy. Children must have a pair of shoes to wear in the classroom on days when boots are needed.
5. Students must wear sneakers for physical education class.
6. Hats and hoods may not be worn at school. Bandanas that are folded into headbands are permissible.
7. All midriffs shall be covered. Tops may be sleeveless and shoulder material shall cover all underwear straps at all times with at least 2″ of material. Skirts (including a slit) and shorts shall be of an appropriate length.
8. Swimsuits and pajamas are not permitted.
9. Clothing that allows any part of underwear to show is not permitted.
Using these guidelines, the Administration will decide what is and is not appropriate school attire. In addition, the display of bumper stickers, lewd sayings on lockers, book covers or automobiles is not acceptable on school grounds.



School Board Meeting – September 13th

The School Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the school.  Please come to these meetings and make your important contributions to the school.

Brooklin School is a Nut Sensitive School

What does this mean? 

As a school community, we will work together to ensure the safety of all the children in our school. We are asking the entire Brooklin community to assist in this effort to keep children with food allergies safe. The menu in the school cafeteria will feature nutritionally appropriate substitutes for peanut and tree nut products. All staff members will share in the responsibility of keeping children safe in our school.

How can I help? 

You can help by talking with your child about food allergies and supporting the efforts taking place at school to make all children aware of the nut sensitive policy at Brooklin. Some of our efforts will include the importance of hand washing throughout the school day and not sharing food with other students. You can also help by cutting down whenever possible the peanut and nut products your child brings to school for lunch or snack as is reasonable for your family.

What if I have further questions? 

Please do not hesitate to call Jil Blake, Principal, or Louanne Munson, the Administrative Assistant, at 207-359-2133 with any questions you may have.





Soccer Schedule 22-23

Monday Sept 19 DIS at Brooklin

Wednesday Sept 21 at Bay School

Monday Sept 26 Castine at Brooklin

Wednesday Sept 28 at Sedgwick (this is an exhibition game)

Thursday Sept 29 Penbrook at Brooklin

Tuesday Oct 4 at Penbrook (Penobscot)

Thursday Oct 6 Blue Hill (peninsula league team) at Brooklin

Wednesday Oct 12 at Deer Isle

Thursday Oct 13 at Castine

Tuesday Oct 18 Bay School at Brooklin (tentative)

All games begin at 4 pm

Playoff games for the top four teams the week of Oct 24 to Oct 28th/TBA





9/5                Holiday—No School

9/7                Soccer Practice starts 3-4:30 PM

9/8                Soccer Parent Meeting 4:30 PM

9/19              Soccer Game DIS at Brooklin  4PM

9/21              Soccer Game at Bay School  4 PM

9/24              Soccer Fun-o-rama in Castine 6-8:30 PM (tentative)

9/26              Soccer Game Castine at Brooklin  4PM

9/28              Soccer game at Sedgwick  4PM

9/29              Soccer game Penbrook at Brooklin 4PM

9/30              Early release at 12:30 PM


10/4                     Soccer game at Penbrook (Penobscot) 4PM

10/6                     Soccer game Blue Hill at Brooklin 4PM

10/7                     Teacher Workshop—No School

10/10                   Holiday—No School

10/12                   Soccer Game at Deer Isle 4PM

10/13                   Soccer Game at Castine at 4:30 PM

10/18                   Soccer Game Bay School at Brooklin (tentative)   4PM

10/28                   Early release at 12:30 PM