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Seasons in chalk—2/3 grades

Thank you

To our PTF for the wonderful lunches for our teachers and staff during our Professional Days.


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Brooklin School Web Page

Visit our school web page at  It is a great resource for the school calendar, handbook, and many different links to helpful resources.


Students are tardy if they are not present at the beginning of the school day,  which is 7:45 AM. Tardiness is disruptive to other student’s learning and the teacher’s instruction.

Early Release ONE Friday A Month

Reminder of the early release scheduled for one Friday a month this school year. September early release is the 24th.

Reminder of Security of the Building

During the school day, all doors are locked except the front door to the school.  Please ring the buzzer to be let inside.  Always enter and exit through the front door by the flagpole only.  Thank you.

Newsletter Update

The newsletter will be sent home via e-mail this school year. Please e-mail me at or call me at 359-2133 with any changes in your email.

 Athletic Updates

We have commenced our soccer season and have a full schedule of games planned. Our new coach is Trent Goodman. Our first game on Monday, September 13th at Deer Isle has been postponed. Hopefully, our first home game will be Tuesday, September 21st against Blue Hill. All games are at 4:00. Come cheer!  

Back to School B-B-Q

Our annual back to school BBQ has been postponed. It will be rescheduled for the end of September. The PTF has ordered back to school goody bags for the students as well as long sleeve viking tee-shirts to staff and students. We love the PTF!


Curriculum Updates

From Julie Wilson

We are off to an enthusiastic start of the year in the Puffin & Pre-K room with many new (masked) smiling faces. Our featured author this month is Eric Carle. We have been very busy with learning and practicing important safety rules such as: only putting food in our mouths, staying with teachers, and using hands for helping. Students are working on how to give and listen to word messages, accepting toileting prompts from teachers, how to wash hands, and how to wait and give space. This week we will be continuing with introducing and working on skills to keep our classroom community a safe and kind place.   We have been learning and practicing how to use and tidy up math manipulatives, and how to transition to new activities.  Pre-K students have been introduced to independent center activities such as:  “Love A Book”, pattern blocks, puzzles and roll- a- dough letters & numbers with play dough, and will continue practicing these and other independent and cooperative learning activities. In preparation for all school fire drills we have been practicing how to exit the room quickly and how to safely get to our outside line-up spot. 

From Mr. Kennerk

Puffins/Pre K
We have been combing stories and crayon coloring to deepen the relationship between imagery and comprehension as well as training the hand for proper ‘pencil’ grip.
K/1We drew a cartoonish llama and used watercolors to finish. The class is learning about South America and we will be integrating our art with this over the next several projects.
2/3This class will be learning about seasons in ELA and so we created a chalk work on watercolor paper to hold an image of all four. Each season has a quadrant unified by a tree branching out to hold each one separately.
4/5These students are learning about colonial America in Super Studies and are being introduced to the methodical process of gridded mapmaking. We create a grid on drawing paper and work off of a pre-gridded copy of a map of colonial America. Rows are designated by letters and columns are designated by numbers—think of Battleship the game. This helps to strengthen executive functioning skills.
6/7/8 These students are reading “A Long Walk to Water“ in ELA.  We are reviewing the methodical process of gridded  mapmaking. We create a grid on drawing paper and work off of a pre-gridded copy of a map of colonial America. Rows are designated by letters and columns are designated by numbers—think of Battleship the game. This helps to strengthen executive functioning skills and most of the class are independently guiding themselves now that it is in the habit life.
From Mrs. Thoner

ELA – 2/3: The past two weeks have been really wonderful!  Students are ready to engage with each other and to learn.  We have been establishing class rules, expectations, and routines as well as getting to know each others’ personalities, needs, and limits.  It has been a fun experience.

ELA – 4/5: Since the 4/5 were together last year as the 3/4, the students came in ready to get started.  Our first unit of study is about natural disasters with the book, 8 Days: A Story of Haiti, being the anchor text.  We will be learning how to dissect non-fiction text as well as fiction text.  Students will be able to explain (at the basic level) how a natural event develops, when a natural event becomes a catastrophic event, and what agencies are available to help those in need after any natural disaster (tropical cyclone, earthquake, tornado).
ELA – 6-8: Students have begun their study of A Long Walk to Water, by Linda Sue Park.  This book is based on the true story of Salva Dut and the fictional story of a girl named Nya.  The non-fictional portion begins during the Second Sudanese Civil War; whereas, the fictional part begins over 20 years later.  Students are working on developing the skill of close reading, which can seem cumbersome to some students, but is an important skill to have when going into high school.
From Ms. Bebell

6-8 Super Studies

We are off to a great start! This year for the social studies portion of class students will be doing global studies. To understand what that will involve, they learned about global population statistics and made infographics to share these stats. After much discussion, they also made a list of what they think ten of the biggest global issues are: water, food, transportation, health, economy, education, energy, shelter, war, and waste. We will be examining these issues throughout the year.
4/5 Super Studies
We are off to a great start! This year for the social studies portion of class students will be studying American history. They are already starting to understand some of the events and feelings that led to the American Revolution. They could relate to how the colonists felt about taxation when we pretended there was going to be a paper tax at school that students would have to pay! The class has been learning about how George Washington and King George III were alike and different.
2/3 Super Studies
Super Studies is a new class for these students, and they are so excited about it! This class is a combination of science and social studies. To start the year, we’ve been learning what it means to be a scientist and how to use all of our senses to make careful observations. We’ve also practiced clearly giving directions like a scientist would need to clearly communicate the procedure for doing an experiment or building something. We’ll be applying these skills next week when we begin a study of a plot of land in the woods, where we will learn about the different types of things that live there and the soil itself.