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A day in Pre-K / Kindergarten

We have been working hard to master the skills of needed to be safe, respectful and kind classroom citizens. Now that we are almost into October, our classroom is looking, feeling and sounding like a learning community. When the morning bell rings at 7:47, Pre-k through 8th grades gather in the gym as a school community to hear the thought for the day and what’s for lunch; then we sing the Brooklin School song together followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. When the Pre-K and Kindergarten students are dismissed from the gym we head to our classroom, where we have morning meeting: songs, calendar, time for talk shares, and a story before our morning special. On Mondays we have Social Emotion Learning time with our school counselor, Mrs. Eberdt; Tuesdays and Fridays is GYM with Mr. Ensworth, Wednesdays is Performing Arts with Ms. Phillips and on Thursdays we have Health with Mr. Ensworth.

When students return at 9:00 from morning specials, we have an all group snack. At 9:15 we tidy up from snack and begin our literacy centers, with students moving from learning center to learning center until recess. We come inside and head to the cafeteria; we have lunch from 11:00-11:25. From 11:30-12:00 we have read-a-loud time, during which some students fall asleep. After read a loud we have author/illustrator time and writing in journals, followed by free choice/ independent play in the classroom until math. Math time includes small group instruction at a learning center, as well as free choice to explore math manipulatives and play math games. We have afternoon specials from 2:00-2:45: Mondays and Tuesdays is Art with Mr. Kennerk; Wednesdays and Thursdays we travel to the Library with Mr. Kennerk and on Fridays we have music in our classroom with Mrs. Ford!

From 2:45- 3:00 we prepare for dismissal. Generally, Pre-K students will be ready for pick -up at 2:50 on the playground, and if we are not on the playground, the entrance to the gym is where “Pick-UP” happens. Kindergarten Pick Up is at 3:00 from the gym doors, and at 3:00 buses are loading up, ready to bring students home to get charged up for another wonderful day at the Brooklin School!