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Welcome to Brooklin School. Click here to view school resources.

A letter from Jil Blake

The Brooklin School is a place where we come together to learn, to grow, and to explore. We are respectful, curious, and kind. We are all unique and learn together, as equal members of one community. We care for each other, we care about ourselves, and we work to make the world a better place.

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Members of the Brooklin Community,

Thank you for your patience as we have and continue to work diligently to make sure the Brooklin school is ready for opening and that students, staff, and families feel confident in returning to a safe environment. For those of you who are new to—and anxious about— public school during a pandemic, I can only assure that last year we pulled it off—and what could have felt scary and inauthentic, really felt like a new kind of normal. Students were laughing, learning, and building relationships. We all know that students are flexible and adaptable, but the staff worked extra hard to make sure that the social and emotional health of our students was top priority. And that is what school is all about! Over the summer, we had 18 students attend school every day where they participated in morning academics and games and afternoon fun and adventures.

There have been a lot of questions about what school will look like—what it will feel like. As we attempt to execute our best intended plans, it is crucial to know that things have been and will most likely continue to change rapidly. You should have received a reopening plan that has been approved for Union 76. This is a living document that will be updated as expectations/ requirements morph. This has been shared with parents and families via

a link. When/if the information is altered, you will be notified. Below are some of the safety protocols you and your children may want to review prior to arrival:

Staying Safe

  • Watch for symptoms: Per the Return to School Framework, SU 76 will expect parents and guardians to utilize the following self-

administered health survey checklist each day before students board their school bus or enter our schools. Staff will also be required to review the checklist each day prior to reporting work. If a student or staff member identifies they are exhibiting a symptom(s) identified on the list they should stay home and notify the appropriate person at their school.

Daily Student-Staff Health Survey

  • Do I feel unwell today?
  • Do I have a cough, a fever, or a sore throat?
  • Do I have a fever or do I feel feverish?
  • Do I have shortness of breath?
  • Do I have a loss of taste or smell?
  • Have I been around anyone exhibiting these symptoms in the past 14 days?
  • Has anyone in my household been sick or quarantined?
  • Have I vomited in the last 24 hours?
  • Have I been out of State in the last 14 days?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, please contact your school and stay home.

The school has a designated isolation room for any student exhibiting illness symptoms. Return to School after Illness – Sick staff members and students must use home isolation until they meet the criteria for returning to school.

  • Face coverings must follow school dress code expectations.
  • Masks will be worn at all times inside the building except while eating. Several outdoor breaks have been built into the schedule and students are not required to wear masks during these times.
  • Maintain social distance. Stay three feet apart. Hallways will be marked to direct traffic flow and to maintain social distancing protocols.
  • No touching. Students are expected to keep their hands to themselves at all times.
  • Masks need to be cotton/other approved material or disposable, cover the nose and mouth, and be washed regularly. Bandanas, gaiters, and masks with valves or vents are NOT acceptable.
  • Upon entering a classroom, washing or using hand sanitizer will be expected.
  • Regular laundering of clothing, including masks, is advised.

Getting to and from School

  • Make sure to follow the COVID symptoms checklist before you leave your house. If you have any symptoms, stay home (see above).
  • Masks or school-approved face coverings must be worn at all times while riding the bus. Follow all instructions from your driver, which will describe where to sit and how to sanitize. Students of different households will be seated in separate seats.
  • Doors will open at 7:30 am. Students are to remain 3 feet apart when they enter the building. They should apply hand sanitizer upon entry. They will not be admitted without a mask or school-approved face covering worn correctly. They should report straight to the classroom or cafe for breakfast or go to the playground.
  • The buses will drop students off at 7:25. Directly after buses leave the circle, parent drop-offs will begin. Please pull safely off to the side to wait for the buses to make their drop-offs and be mindful to leave space for buses to get by if you arrive early.
  • Upon dismissal, students will be directed to leave through an assigned route based on classroom locations. Buses will pick up first, then student pick-ups will be dismissed via the intercom.
  • Guests, volunteers, or parents are still not allowed in the building while students are in session.
  • Parents and guardians are to call the front office if their child needs to be dismissed.

Breakfast and Lunch

  • Students can sign up for lunch when they arrive at school. Breakfast and lunch are free for all.
  • Breakfast and lunch will be served in the classroom for students in pre-school through grade one. Students in grades 2-8 will eat in the cafeteria. The salad bar will be available!
  • Students may bring their own lunch of course. Students will not have access to a refrigerator or microwave at school.
  • Masks may be removed while eating.


  • Students will enter classrooms one at a time, keeping 3ft distance, as best as possible.
  • Before leaving the classroom, students are expected to assist with cleaning their desk/study area.
  • Students will leave the classroom one at a time
  • Students will travel along the right side of the hallway (maintaining a 3-foot distance)
  • Only one student will be allowed in the bathroom at a time.
  • Lockers will be used.
  • When transitioning to outdoor spaces, students will follow the same procedure for leaving the classroom and will continue to maintain 3-foot spacing while outside.

While in the Classroom

  • Classroom arrangements are predetermined with 3 ft spacing in all directions. Class sizes will be limited based on square footage.
  • Supplies (rulers, calculators, books, pencils, etc) will not be shared amongst students. All materials will be provided. Teachers will let students know if additional supplies are needed.
  • Students will sanitize their hands upon entering or exiting any space.
  • Outdoor classroom space may be utilized with 3 foot spacing without a mask unless doing a physical activity.
  • Students who need to be out of school, will be marked absent (this will be marked as an excused or unexcused absence depending on the circumstance). Teachers will not be working remotely with students who are absent. Instead, for those students in grades 2-8, the assignments will be posted on Google Classroom and students will work remotely with the Union-wide Remote Learning Coordinator, Liz Moss, to make sure they are keeping up with assignments. Students n K-1 who are absent for extended periods of time, will receive independent work as needed.

Classroom Assignments

  • Preschool-Pre-Kindergarten Julie Wilson
  • Grades K+1– Julia Baird
  • Grades 2+3– Sharon Thoner (homeroom), Amy Bebell, Carolyn Sproul
  • Grades 4+5– Sharon Thoner, Amy Bebell, Carolyn Sproul (homeroom)
  • Grades 6+7+8– Sharon Thoner, Amy Bebell (homeroom), Carolyn Sproul

Should COVID-19beidentified within anSU76 school building…

    • The Superintendent and school nurse will communicate with the Maine CDC and will follow their recommendations.

As always, we welcome any questions, thoughts, concerns, or ideas you may have. Please do not hesitate to contact me anytime. As Kemi Sogunle reminds us, “The tests we face in life’s journey are not to reveal our weaknesses but to help us discover our inner strengths. We can only know how strong we are when we strive and thrive beyond the challenges we face.” We are in this together.