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Back to School

Dear parents,

Welcome back to school! I am so thrilled to be teaching your child math this year. A large part of my math instruction is having a positive growth mindset in mathematics. Below are some of the messages your students will hear from me, and I hope you can echo them at home:

  1. I believe in you, and I believe you are capable of learning the highest level of mathematics. There is no such thing as a ‘math person’. Everyone is capable of learning math. With the right determination and effort, you can learn anything.
  2. Mistakes are wonderful. When you make a mistake, your brain is making new connections. When you take the time to learn from your mistake, your brain is growing even more. Embrace mistakes and what you can learn from them.
  3. Always ask yourself if the math makes sense. Can you draw a picture to show why your answer makes sense? Does your answer match an estimate?
  4. Math is a creative subject. There is usually more than one way to solve a problem. Sometimes we will be learning a particular method, but it is good to look at different ways of solving problems.
  5. Math is not about speed. I want you to be thinking deeply about math and making sense of what you are doing. We will be working towards fluency with math facts, which involves not just speed but flexibility with numbers. Can you explain why 7 x 8 = 56?
  6. Math is everywhere! Look for math in all areas of your life, and use your math skills to solve problems in the world. Bring these problems into school so that we can solve them together.

We will be learning math through the Eureka math program. On Monday, your child will be given a Eureka Math workbook. For the most part, this is where the homework will be located. Homework is assigned Monday through Thursday evenings. It is imperative that your child bring this workbook back to school each day, as this is also where the day’s lessons are located. You can be a great help in ensuring that your child both does their homework as well as brings back the workbook.

If you ever have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. Email or bloomz is the best way to get in touch, but I am also happy to set up a meeting. I will do my best to respond to your questions within 24 hours. My email is

I’m looking forward to an amazing year!

Mrs. Tapley