Brooklin School News
Coffee Social
Coffee Social via zoom, Friday, February 5th at 7:30 AM with Principal Jil Blake.
February Menu
Newsletter 1/21/21
Newsletter 1/14/21
Thank You PTF for the bags of food to help families over vacation. Parents and students for all of your hard work during remote learning last week. 7/8 Grade Geometric Construction Curriculum Updates Performing Arts This week in Performing Arts class for grades K-4, we learned about American Composer Aaron Copland. We …
January Menu
Newsletter 12/17/20
Curriculum Updates Music/Performing Arts PK/K – We continued our practice for the virtual Holiday performance. After a few practices, we felt ready to make our recording. We then began to learn about The Nutcracker Ballet! We learned about what a Ballet is and learned about the composer for The Nutcracker. Then we …
Newsletter 12/10/20
Newsletter 12/4/20
Student Art Work Curriculum Updates 3/4 Super Studies–Last week, students continued exploring different ways that people communicate. We learned about how technology has changed over the years and played around with a few different types of code: Morse, binary, and maritime signal flags. For Forest Friday, students practiced distinguishing between fir, spruce, …