Brooklin School News
Newsletter 11/19/20
Thank You to Our Veteran’s Here is the link to the Brooklin School video that all students participated in to thank our Veteran’s. Pre-K and Kindergarten Artwork Dress Safely Reminder Please remember, wear something reflective if you’re walking home after school. It gets dark so early now, if you are wearing …
Newsletter 11/5/20
Thank you Maribeth, Lisa and Sophia for packing backpacks for the Backpack Program. Outside Wear Cold winter weather is upon us. Please remember to send your child(ren) to school with hats, gloves, mittens and winter weather apparel for outside classes and recess. Reflective Wear If your child or children are walking after …
Veteran’s Day Presentation
Newsletter 10/29/20
Forest Friday Over the last few weeks, the 3rd-6th graders have been doing different activities during their Forest Friday time, like harvesting potatoes from the community garden, making leaf crowns, and going on a color hunt in the woods. Curriculum Updates 1-2 We did a lot of great work this week in …
November Menus
Newsletter 10/22/20
Thank You: PTF for the Brooklin School shirts. Halloween Parade On Thursday, October 29th at 2:30, students will line up on the sidewalk, socially distanced, all the way around the school. Parents, friends, neighbors, and members of the community will drive by the students. We will not be able to walk to …
Newsletter 10/15/20
Thank You: PTF for hosting the author day with Micheal Chabon. Halloween Parade On Thursday, October 29th at 2:30, students will line up on the sidewalk, socially distanced, all the way around the school. Parents, friends, neighbors, and members of the community will drive by the students. We will not be able …
Newsletter 10/8/20
Thank You: PTF and Team for repairing the tent that had blown over and broke during last week’s storm. Curriculum Updates Pre-K and Preschool students have been noticing and discussing many of the signs of Fall: leaves changing and falling, colder temps, getting gardens ready for winter, and the first day of …