Brooklin School News
Link for Remote and Home School Lunches
As mentioned in the previous email the following is Brooklin‘s Link for Remote and Homeschool Families wishing to participate: Because of limited resources we need families to pick-up. If determined by the principal that there is a special circumstance we will work with a few families to deliver.
Home school Lunches and Remote Learners Lunches
Flu Vaccine Clinic Paperwork Flu vaccine clinic sign-up sheets were sent home with students last week. Please complete and return the form to school no later than October 9th. Curriculum Updates Pre-K and K author-illustrators are demonstrating their skills in their journals and practicing their book nomenclature. All scholars have …
Newsletter 9/17/20
Thank you Maribeth and Jeff for making wonderful lunches for our teachers and staff during our Professional Days. Facebook Follow the Brooklin School on Facebook. Updates on events and school wide news will be posted there. Brooklin School Web Page Visit our school web page at It is a …
Start Up Letter
Welcome Back!! School Address PO Box 120 Brooklin, ME 04616 School starts at 7:45 AM and ends at 3:00 PM Telephone Numbers The Brooklin School 359-2133 FAX 359-2303 Superintendent 348-9100 Brown’s Busing 359-8053 COVID Screening Please see the attached COVID screening and access your child/children and their health each morning before …