Mrs. Tapley
7/8 Newsletter • 10/6/19

Math – Mrs. Tapley: 7th grade mathematicians worked on demonstrating their understanding about unit rates with fractions on an assessment. They then began applying their work with proportions to studying scale drawings. 8th grade mathematicians practiced applying their learning about scientific notation and exponents and then completed an assessment on Friday on …
7/8 Newsletter • 9/29/19
7/8 Newsletter • 9/23/19

Upcoming Events: Monday, September 23rd: School Picture Day Friday, September 27th: Early Release at 1:00 PM Friday, October 4: Family movie night hosted by the 7/8 class to raise money for Water for South Sudan October 7th-11th: Camp Kieve ( November 1st: Student-Led Conferences (No school, except for attendance at the conference) Please note there was a calendar …
7/8 Newsletter • 9/15/19

Upcoming Events: Monday, September 16th: Camp Kieve info night at 6:00 PM in the Blue Hill Consolidated School cafeteria. Monday, September 23rd: School Picture Day Friday, September 27th: Early Release at 1:00 PM October 7th-11th: Camp Kieve ( Super Studies – Mrs. Bebell: The 7/8 class started the week by identifying 10 global issues that we will …
Weekly 7/8 Newsletter • 9/8/19
News From the 3-8 Team

Dear families, Another school year is just around the corner! We are very excited here at the Brooklin School, as this year is sure to be amazing. This year, your child will be working with three classroom teachers – Mrs. Thoner for English Language Arts and 3rd/4th-grade homeroom, Mrs. Bebell for social …