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Newsletter 1/23/20

Thank you

  • To parents and guests who have attended  the basketball games and supported our Brooklin School players.

Pre-K/K Reader’s Theater




In the winter months, I understand road conditions may be a struggle, however, we are having too many students arriving to school late.  Please be mindful in getting students here before 7:50 AM (unless they are in the 3 year old class) so they are on time and not being a disruption to classes already in session.  Thank you.


Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Baird

Mrs. Baird is home resting with her newest full time student. We are so excited to welcome Dorothy James Baird to the Brooklin Family! Right now mom and baby are working hard at snuggling and reading to make sure she is ready to play with her new friends.  Dorothy James Baird weighed 7 lbs. 9 oz., was 19.75 inches long and was born on Friday, January 17th at 9:12 PM.


Instructional Updates

Pre-K/ K:  We celebrate the snow, and wish that we could have 2 inches of fresh powder each day, preferably the snowman making kind of snow.  On Wednesday during morning meeting we made predictions about whether there would be: a late start, no school or school as scheduled on Thursday. We discussed how a prediction is not what we hope will happen, but what will actually happen. Many of us wished we could have a big snow day but still be at school together for it, since playing in the snow is so much more fun with friends!   We have begun in-depth exploration and discussion about the Brooklin School Song. Each student has started a booklet to illustrate each verse of our beloved school song. We will be sharing our illustrations from the “author/illustrator” chair this week. The verse “We are respectful, curious and kind” provides a wonderful segue to Pre-k/K mathematicians quest of exploring the concept of longer and shorter. We are working in module 3 of Eureka math, and will be doing many hands on measurement activities this week. Good thing we are all super detectives!


3/4 ELA:  We have started an exciting new unit on frogs using nonfiction and fiction texts!  The students are super excited to be able to research frog images and information using their iPads.  The spelling list this past week focused on words that have a twin consonant followed by -y, as in happy, funny, etc.  Then, they learned they needed to change the y to an i before adding -ing, -ed, -er, or -est.  They did very well with this pattern.


5/6 ELA: We have started the book: Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry. Along with having the focus of reading nonfiction text, we will be working on vocabulary using Latin and Greek roots, and taking meaningful notes.


7/8 ELA: This week we finished up the loose ends of The Disappearing Spoon (almost), and have started a novel that is mostly for fun.  So far this year 7/8 students have had heavy reads: A Long Walk to Water, and The Disappearing Spoon.  The academic goal for this new novel is for students to write a book review focusing on what literary strategies the author uses and whether this would be a book students would recommend for a future reader.  Students will be expected to give examples, cite specific passages, and write an organized, cohesive review.


3/4 Super Studies: This week, the students finished reading a short book about Maine’s history. They are using that information to create a card game to practice identifying true facts about Maine. They are also enjoying our read-aloud of Sign of the Beaver and making connections from the story to what they are learning about the early days of Maine’s statehood.


5/6 Super Studies: What an exciting week for our budding astrophysicists! The class did an amazing job on their mission at the Challenger Center. They simulated a mission in which they had to send a probe to a comet, but then “discovered” another unknown object in space that they decided to probe instead. They also got to name the comet, and they chose Millyonara to recognize the team members who discovered it, which included Millie. Back in the classroom, the students have been wrapping up their space mission projects.


7/8 Super Studies: While we didn’t have much class time this week because of our regular boatbuilding schedule and a snow day, the students wrapped up Slime Week by reviewing the different types of slime and their physical and chemical properties. We also started discussing preparations for the You Be the Chemist competition in Bangor on February 8. Interested students will be bringing home study materials next week, but they can access them online here:


3/4 Math: Our 3rd-grade mathematicians worked on learning their multiples of 8 this week. They also explored real-world applications of math concepts with addition and subtraction. Our 4th-grade mathematicians continued to build their understanding of factors and multiples. They also continued to build on their long division skills, increasing the problems to dividing 3 digits numbers. All students are continuing to work on improving their math facts. Please practice these with your children at home. The more practice the better!


5/6 Math: Our 5th-grade mathematicians are really getting the hang of adding and subtracting fractions (including mixed numbers). We continued to work on this skill, and this week moved to adding and subtracting without the visual models. Our 6th-grade mathematicians explored integers in real-world situations, representing positive and negative numbers on a number line.


7/8 Math: Our 7th-grade mathematicians continued to write and solve equations this week. They transferred their skills to looking at geometric equations with vertical angles and supplementary angles. Our 8th-grade mathematicians also wrote and solved equations this week. They tackled complex equations that had variables on both sides and also included the distributive property and negative numbers. Students are showing excellent perseverance and are making impressive gains.


PTF News


Upcoming Events:


  • Friday, January 24th @ 7:30 AM Coffee Social. Come have a cup of coffee and a snack.
  • March 7  will be our Soup Chili Chowder Cook-off,
  • The PTF and Brooklin School are planning a winter carnival for February 14. If you  would like to help with this event please text 207-266-1298 or be in touch with Molly.



PTF Thanks You

  • Thank you to the people that helped pack food bags before our long weekend.
  • Sending out a huge thank you to all the people that have donated to our annual appeal.



1/23                4:00 PM                                               Home A Team game vs DISES

1/27                3-4 PM                                                Grade ½ Pee Wee Practice

3-4 PM                                                B Team Practice

4-5:30 PM                                           Combined Boys and Girls Practice

1/28                4:00 PM                                               Home A Team game vs Castine

5:15 PM                                               B team game at Home vs Surry

1/29                4:00 PM                                               Home A Team game vs Blue Hill

1/30                10:00 AM                                            8th grade visits GSA

1/31                1:00 PM                                               Early Release



2/4                  7:25 AM                                              8th grade visits DISHS

2/6                  8:30 AM                                              GSA Registration

2/7                                          NO SCHOOL—Parent/Teacher Conferences

2/10-2/14                                                                   Spirit Week

2/14                                                                            Winter Carnival

2/17-2/21                               VACATION WEEK

2/28                1:00 PM                                               Early Release