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Newsletter 1/30/2020

Thank you

  • Jean Grant for making mittens for ids that do not have any at recess. We appreciate every pair you have sent in.

Basketball Games                         

We have had a couple of complaints of younger children running around the school, and being unsupervised at basketball games. For their safety, we are asking that all  younger children be with an adult  at all times during the game.  Thank you.


Dropping Off/Picking Up Students

Please do not drop students off or pick them up during bus hours  in front of the school.  For student safety please park in the parking lot.  Thank you.


Pre-K/K Looking For

Pre-K/ K room is looking for donations of gently used (or new) decks of playing cards, legos, and Dr. Seuss books to add to our classroom library (we promise to use the books gently and return them). Thank you…Julie Wilson


Instructional Updates

Pre-K-K: This week Pre-k/K students focused on the meaning of our school song, with special emphasis on what it means to be respectful and kind. On Friday we read Hooper Humperdink, not HIM! and Horton Hears a Who by Dr. Seuss, to kick off our Dr. Seuss author student, but also for students to make text to real-life connections and comparing kind and unkind actions.


In literacy, students are working to master identifying and creating rhymes, counting syllables in words, and decoding strategies. The goal for the end of Kindergarten is for students to have mastered Fry’s first 100 sight words.




Pre-k/K mathematicians have been comparing objects and classifying them as shorter than and taller than. We will be moving onto comparing weights and differentiating between heavier and lighter than. We love exploring and investigating our classroom and our school.


Our music teacher, Ms. Philips introduced us to a “Reader’s Theater” version of Little Red Riding Hood, which has been an incredibly fun and engaging activity. This activity has also provided an incentive to some Kindergarteners to really focus and work on reading their lines.



3/4 ELA – We read and re-read and re-read the first 14 pages of The Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle.  This book is rich in vivid words and phrases, including “Lightning illuminates the sky” and “thunder exploded”.  Students have been working on finding the main idea, details, vivid language, and words that describe one or more of the five senses.  Students also had a spelling list which required them to learn to spell some of the words in the text, such as “retreat” and “bulge.”  They all did a great job on the spelling test and in daily work! Please make sure you praise them for their effort!


5/6 ELA – We have completed reading the first 3 chapters of Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry.  We have enjoyed exploring the “laws” of physics and how astrophysicists use these laws to look into the past to try to understand the cosmos.  Students have continued their writing with Ellen Booraem and have been greatly enriched by her expertise.  For any of you that may not know, she is a local author of books aimed at young adult audiences, and she donates 45 min. a week or more to come to the school to work with all of the 5/6 grade students on creative writing. Please, if you have an opportunity to thank her, please do!


7/8 ELA – Students are reading a pulp science fiction novel called The Last Kids on Earth about the aftermath of an alien invasion.  They have been reading some heavy books this year, and the next book will be the young people’s version of I am Malala, which is also a heavy book.  We felt students needed something to read that was a lot less intense for at least a couple of weeks.  Their book review on The Last Kids on Earth is due Feb. 4.  We have reviewed the requirements of a book review in class, and have read 2 online resources regarding what a book review should include.  ( and (

We have also looked at various book reviews.  A book review, at a minimum, should include the title, author and date of publication of a book, a short summary of the book without spoiling it,  the student’s opinion of the book with specific citations and details from the book, recommendations to the author to improve the book (if there are any), a 1-5 rating of the book (5 is the best), and what age or grade level would be recommended to read the book.

Ms. Ellen Booraem has been working on a voluntary basis with 6 of our students on independent creative writing each Friday afternoon for 45 minutes.  She is a wonderful resource!


3/4 Super Studies: After reviewing what they have learned so far about Maine history, the students have been working very hard on their entries for the Secretary of State’s Maine poster contest. Third graders are making posters about Maine state symbols, and have been very focused on getting the details of their research and illustrations just right. Fourth graders are making posters about Maine history, and have been enjoying researching more information about Wabanaki people, interesting events, and Maine’s bicentennial.


5/6 Super Studies: The students did a wonderful job presenting their projects on space travel on Tuesday. They shared their spacecraft models and information about their missions. The rest of the week has been focused on learning about the structure and classification of stars. The class worked together to create an H-R diagram, which shows the relationship between brightness, temperature, and spectral type of stars.


7/8 Super Studies: This week, students have been tackling the challenge of understanding how different types of atoms bond with one another. They demonstrated ionic bonding by taking on the role of different ions and “bonding” with each other. They also demonstrated what they have learned so far about ionic and covalent bonding by completing an online chemistry simulation that demonstrates the characteristics of different elements and compounds and how they form.


3/4 Math: 3rd-grade mathematicians worked on multiplication and division word problems as well as learned the multiples of 9 song this week. 4th-grade mathematicians wrapped up their work on long division this week and began a brief study of two digits by two-digit multiplication. All students were working hard to improve their fluency of multiplication facts, something that will continue throughout the year. Please encourage math fact practice while at home. Whether it is while eating dinner or during some downtime – anytime is the right time to practice some math facts!


5/6 Math: 5th-grade mathematicians have concluded their new learning in adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers. They did some interesting work this week that took them away from doing the math on paper and instead asked them to reason mathematically about the size of sums and differences. We will have an assessment on Monday that will show what skills have become strong and what, if any, still need to be worked on. 6th-grade mathematicians learned about absolute value and ordering integers this week, as well as the structure of the coordinate plane.


7/8 Math: 7th-grade mathematicians began the week by continuing to work on solving geometric angle problems with algebra. They then took their skills in writing and solving equations and applied them to inequalities. They took real-world scenarios and found ways to express the minimum or maximum amount of something needed and solve for it algebraically. 8th-grade mathematicians took on solving complex proportions, converting them into linear equations and then solving for the unknown variable. They also learned that equations fall into three categories: having a unique solution, no solution, or infinitely many solutions.


PTF News


PTF Funding

The PTF was excited to fund many exciting things in the last few months. Here are just a few:


  • Cool exercise bikes that go under desks to keep squirmy legs moving so they can focus more easily on school work.
  • A Maine author visit to happen in the spring.
  • Two new microwaves for the cafeteria to make the home lunch line go a bit quicker.
  • A new mopping system for the gym floor to keep it from becoming slippery during basketball season.
  • Peewee basketball t-shirts.
  • Mrs. Bebell organized the super cool planetarium come to the school this week.


Warm Clothes

The warm clothing rack is still in constant use and is helping children and adults get into warm gear. Drop off warm, clean winter gear and we will make sure it gets on the right people. Please come in and take what you need!



Coffee Social

The Coffee Socials have switched to once a month. The hope is that the coffee socials can be an opportunity for you to chat with other parents, to communicate with Mrs. Blake, and to hang out in your school community. There will be a new theme or discussion for each month. If there is something you would like to hear discussed with the principal or other parents let us know. We look forward to having coffee with you!



PTF Upcoming Events:


  • 2/14 The PTF and Brooklin School are planning a Winter Carnival for February 14. The more parents there to help this fun event the better. If you would like to help please text 207-266-1298 or get in touch with Molly Blake.
  • 2/14 Coffee Social
  • 2/25 3:10 PTF Meeting
  • 3/7 March Soup Chili Chowder Cookoff- start planning your winning recipe now!
  • 3/15 Coffee Social


Community News

George Stevens Academy Middle School Appreciation Night

On Wednesday, February 5th,  the JV Girls at 5:30 pm/Varsity Girls at 7:00 pm vs the Mattawanacook Lady Lynx.  Seventh and eighth grade students will have free admission, and a free slice of pizza & drink. Hope you can join us for this fun night.


Friend Memorial Library News

On February 1st the Friend Memorial Library is having a Valentine fundraiser.  For a donation of $5.00 or more, we will display a handmade Valentine in your name or for the person of your choice. For more information: 359-2276 or


On Thursday, February 6th the Friend Memorial Library will have Hanna Persson speaking and showing slides on the process of costume design. This program coincides with the February art exhibit with samples of Hanna’s costumes. Opening reception 6:00 pm,  program begins 7:00 pm.  For more information: 359-2276 or



1/31                1:00 PM                                               Early Release



2/4                  7:25 AM                                              8th grade visits DISHS

2/6                  8:30 AM                                              GSA Registration

6:00 PM                                               GSA Meeting with Town on Tuition Questions

2/7                                          NO SCHOOL—Parent/Teacher Conferences

2/10-2/14                                                                   Spirit Week

2/14                                                                            Winter Carnival

2/17-2/21                               VACATION WEEK

2/28                1:00 PM                                               Early Release