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Newsletter 10/22/20

Thank You:

  • PTF for the Brooklin School shirts.

Halloween Parade

On Thursday, October 29th at 2:30, students will line up on the sidewalk, socially distanced, all the way around the school. Parents, friends, neighbors, and members of the community will drive by the students. We will not be able to walk to the General Store this year, however, Blossom, from the Brooklin Candy Company and Jenna, from the General Store,  are exploring safe ways they can hand out candy and treats to the students.

Rosanna’s Readers

Our first Rosanna’s Readers Birthday Books. Each student will receive a birthday book the month of their birthday from the Sherman Family in honor of Rosanna. Thank you to the Sherman family for making this happen!

Camp Out

The 7th and 8th-grade students will be having campout on the soccer field. Mrs. Bebell and Ms. Russell have an afternoon, evening, and morning itinerary filled with kickball, star gazing, and night hikes.  A permission slip will be coming home shortly.

Brooklin School Votes

Today students in grades K-8 participated in the statewide Student Mock Election. The winners of the school election were Joe Biden, Sara Gideon, and Jared Golden.

Curriculum Updates

Pre-K and K students had the wonderful opportunity to meet and listen to author Michael Chabon read his newest book this week. It was fun to see some of the students have an A-HA moment when Michael began to explain about the dedication page of the book, as we have been learning about book nomenclature- and the concept of the dedication page has been tricky- but hearing Michael talk about it connected the kids to the concept. We cut out our own paper pumpkins and created jack-o-lantern faces on them during Art with Mr. Kennerk, and during library time we began listening to Charlotte’s Web.

First graders and kindergarteners this week worked on letter sounds and creating words on their whiteboards and by manipulating physical letters. They also did some partner reading with their books at their level. In math, kindergarten students continued to work on recognition of numbers to 10. They also worked on hidden partners in a number using unifix cubes, 1+4 =5. The first grade worked on ways to make 10. They also continued to work on counting the ten way and they worked on solving math stories. First grade continued to work on math facts. If I have 8, how many do I need to make 10? Second graders continued writing and spelling common sight words, and sentences involving their sight words. They also worked on handwriting, and spelling and word families. In math, the second grade worked on taking from ten within 20, 11-9=10-9=1+1=2. They also worked on taking from 10 within 100.  K-2 also explored their Math boxes and enjoyed playing with cards and dominoes.

3/4 Super Studies: This week, the students discussed and brainstormed ways that the energy that is made by playing on the playground could be transformed into other kinds of energy, like a swing that turns on a light. They also explored solar energy by playing with how shadows change over time and collecting data on how direct rays from the sun generate heat. On Forest Friday, the students gathered brightly colored leaves to make themselves a crown.

5/6 Super Studies: This week, the 5th and 6th grade historians learned about how to describe time going back thousands of years by using B.C. and A.D. They also started planning for creating a timeline that they will add to throughout the year and read about the neolithic revolution. On Forest Friday, the students gathered brightly colored leaves to make themselves a crown, necklace, or garland.

7/8 Super Studies: This week, students continued exploring how citizens are involved in the democratic process. Also, after discovering that they didn’t know very much about past presidents, we changed Wednesday’s plan and spent some time discussing a general timeline of the US presidency instead. We will explore out presidents in more detail later in the year.

3/4 ELA: This week we have focused much attention on the book Thank You, Mr. Falker, by Patricia Pollaco.  Students have been given their own personal copy of the book to keep.  For those of you who have not read it, you should – better yet, have your child read it to you.  It is based on the author’s own experience in learning how to read.  We have spent a lot of time discussing various aspects of the book, including how difficult it is for some children to learn to read, how much work might need to go into it for some, and how rewarding it is when the hard work pays off.  The message is one of both empathy for those who struggle to succeed at something and of the importance of sticking to a difficult task.

5/6 ELA: This week we have continued working on an analysis of Eight Days: A Story of Haiti.  Students have worked in groups and independently to try to dissect both the events of the story and the illustrations.  They will be writing a literary analysis, following the formula they have been practicing.

7/8 ELA: Students have continued a close reading of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, focusing on vocabulary, literary interpretation, and the author’s purpose.

3rd grade math – This week we have looked at various ways to do multiplication and division for twos and threes.  The students continue to be eager to learn.  Learning the basic math facts will greatly increase their confidence when doing upper level math.  Please review the multiplication facts with your kids when you can.   I like to ask my children a few problems when we are in the car.  Repetition can be really helpful in getting them in their long term memory.  I can’t tell you how many middle schoolers I have worked with that didn’t master their facts early on. It really cripples their ability to understand the higher levels of math.  Please take the time now to help them learn the facts, it truly will pay off later!

4th grade math. We have been continuing our work on rounding and working on adding large numbers using the place value chart.  We also have been reviewing math facts with the third graders to solidify them in their long term memory.

5th grade math – We have continued to work rounding using the vertical number line.  We also have been working on adding decimals.

6th grade math – We continued our work with ratios and started comparing using tables and number line diagrams.

7th grade math – We continue our work with ratios using fractions and unit rate.  Some students are working on finding proportional ratios using different methods.

8th grade math – Some students have been working on magnitude, scientific notation and operations with scientific notation.  Others are also working on choice of units and manipulating numbers in scientific notation.

PTF News:

  • We hope you received your new Brooklin School shirts! If you did not get one please email or call 207-266-1298. If a family member or friend would like to order a shirt please be in touch. 
  • The next PTF meeting is outdoors, October 27th @ 3:15. We already have so many new members this year and we are hoping even more of you will join us! 
  • Brooklin School PTF is considering a children’s warm clothing swap. This event would be held outside. We are hoping the kids can be outside as much as possible this year but that can be cold and outdoor gear is $$$$. Hang on to your children’s outdoor gear that they have outgrown and in preparation, you could get it washed and ready to go. We will choose a date soon and send out the details. 
  • Any feedback about the backpack program can also be emailed to or text 207-266-1298
  • Brooklin School PTF is having a fundraiser! If you know someone that is interested in donating to our great organization please send them the link. Thank you!


10/23               12:00                                       Dismissal

4:00 pm                                   Camp Out

10/27               3:15 pm                                   PTF Meeting

10/29               2:30 pm                                   Halloween Parade

10/30                                       NO SCHOOL—Teacher Workshop

11:00-11:30 am                       Parent Social with Principal and Staff  ZOOM

2:00-2:30 pm              Parent Social with Principal and Staff  ZOOM




11/1                             Daylight Savings Time Ends (set clocks back one hour)

11/6                 12:00                                       Dismissal

11/10               6:00pm                                    School Board Meeting

11/11                           Holiday—No School

11/25-11/27                 Holiday Break



12/8                 6:00pm                                    School Board Meeting