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Newsletter 10/25/21

Pre-K Ghosts



Halloween Parade

On Friday, October 29th at 11:45 AM, students and staff will walk to the center of town on our annual Halloween Parade.  We will have fire trucks lead the way and bring up the rear for safety.  Please join us by watching from the church parking lot.  This is an early release day and parents may take their children home after the parade, just let a teacher know you have them before leaving.

Jackets or Sweatshirts

Morning recess can be a bit chilly and students may need a jacket or sweatshirt.   Also remember, due to COVID, classroom windows are open with a fan running and are chilly too.

Schoodic Trip

On Tuesday, October 26th,  the 6-8th grade will go to Schoodic Education Adventure in Winter Harbor, Maine.   Students will be transported by our school van and one of the chaperones personal car.  Chaperones for this trip will be Mrs. Sproul and Mrs. Bebell We will leave the Brooklin School at 7:45 AM and return around 4:30 PM. Students need to pack a lunch.

Holbrook Island Sanctuary

The 4/5 will go to the Holbrook Island Sanctuary in Brooksville on October 28th to attend a Science Field Day.  Students will be transported by our school van and one of the chaperones personal car. Students need to pack a lunch, dress comfortably and appropriately, bring water, and wear sturdy walking shoes.  Students will be back in time for afternoon dismissal.

What Students are Learning!

Ms. Julie

Pre-K students were happy to be back at school, and are looking forward to Halloween! Students loved singing along with the “What will you be for Halloween ” classroom book,  making our own books and re-telling the story of the 5 little pumpkins with playdough. On Thursday we joined Mrs. D in the garden and harvested carrots for school lunches and the backpack program.

Ms. Baird

‘In literacy this week the kindergarten and first graders worked on creating CVC words with alphabet cards. They began with the word “mad” and then switched out one sound at a time to make “man, can, cab, cob,” and so on. We will continue practicing this as it is a wonderful way to help practice letter-sound correspondence. For forest Friday this week, we found leaves of all different colors to make art on the sidewalk! This week in math the kindergarten listened to a story called Room on The Broom. They worked on recognizing numbers using subitizing cards. They also continued to enjoy the connecting cube activities and using their math boxes. The first grade also listened to the story Room on The Broom. They also learned a new activity by Steve Wyborney called Splat. There are a number of dots and then some are covered by a Splat, they have to figure out how many are covered. They also played with a new pop it game. On Friday afternoon they played math games on

Mr. Kennerk

PK—This week we have had Halloween themed stories followed by cut and glue construction paper Jack-O-lanterns, finger painted ghosts, and Mickey Halloween coloring sheets.

K/1—This week we made a cut and glue construction paper Brazilian flag to accompany the students’ focus on South America/Brazil/Pele’.  This gave us the opportunity to recognize and fashion certain basic shapes and understand how they are composed together.

2/3—During the Remote Week, we explored the theme of LEAVES.  The children would go out each day for sun, fresh air, and leaves to bring back into class.  We did leaf rubbings.  We traced and cut leaves.  We rubbed and cut out leaves.  And we drew leaves in pencil with a rhythmical hand patterning inside the form.  This past week, we made cut and glue construction paper Jack-O-lanterns to take home for decorations.

4/5—During the Remote Week, we explored the theme of LEAVES.  The children would go out each day for sun, fresh air, and leaves to bring back into class.  We did leaf rubbings.  We traced and cut leaves.  We rubbed and cut out leaves.  And we drew leaves in pencil with a rhythmical hand patterning inside the form.  This past week, we continued to finish up our big mapping project—it is a few weeks later than expected due to unforeseen circumstance, but that will soon be complete.

6/7/8—These students finished up their big mapping project.  The work speaks for itself!

Ms. Bebell

6-8 Super Studies

This week we didn’t have much time for Super Studies because of NWEA testing, but we were able to continue learning about the limiting factors responsible for natural selection by using a digital simulation of rabbits and wolves and by playing a tag game simulating how the population of deer is impacted by the availability of habitat resources.

4/5 Super Studies

This week we didn’t have much time for Super Studies because of NWEA testing, but we were able to start learning about why we have seasons. Students were introduced to the idea that the earth’s axis is tilted, which is responsible for different amounts of sunlight on different areas of the planet. They also made miniature paper globes that we will use in class next week to model those different amounts of solar energy.

2/3 Super Studies

This week, students continued to study the geography of where they are. They worked together to create a large map of Maine that features the places we have “visited” online and in books. Children at this age often struggle with understanding the difference between states and countries, so we practice talking about and identifying places that we’ve been to and on maps to try to clarify those differences.

Mrs. Sproul

2nd grade math – We continued working with data and bar graphs and had a quick quiz. The students are also working hard on math fluency and learning their addition strategies so they can become fluent in addition facts.

3rd grade math – We went back to working on graphing and data.  We had taken a short break from that to solidify multi digit subtraction with regrouping.  They are also continuing their work with fluency in the math facts.

4th grade math – We did NWEA testing during most of our math time.  When not testing we continue our work with equivalent fractions.  We made a number line on the floor and students stood at 1/5 2/5 3/5 and 4/5.  Then I had other students find 2/10, 4/10 6/10 and 8/10.  They were able to see that they were equivalent fractions.  We are also continuing our work with fact fluency.

5th grade math – We did NWEA testing for most of our math time.  When not testing we worked more on dividing fractions.  We also continued our work with fact fluency.

6th grade – We did NWEA testing for most of our math time.  When not testing, we started looking at surface area. We also continued our work with fact fluency.

7th grade We did NWEA testing for most of our math time.  When not testing, we finished up our work with scale. We also continued our work with fact fluency.

8th grade We did NWEA testing for most of our math time.  When not testing, we were working with triangles and the sum of their interior angles. We also continued our work with fact fluency.

Mrs. Thoner

2/3  ELA

This past week students spent time taking the NWEA tests.  We also read some stories about Halloween.

4/5 ELA

This past week we continued reading Bud, Not Buddy.  Students worked together to take notes about important events in Chapter 6 (after we read it aloud together).  Students were then to write a paragraph to give the gist of the chapter.  We also talked about “theme” as it is related to the book.

6 – 8 ELA

Students continued their reading of A Long Walk to Water.  They are writing gists on each chapter and studying some of the vocabulary that is new to them. Finally, students are polishing their understanding of “theme” as we analyze what some of the themes are in this text. We also have continued to work on creative writing on Wednesdays with Ellen Booraem.

Mrs. Hicks

PK – This week in Performing Arts we practiced our Holiday song for our upcoming show on December 10th. We played some action song games including a special spooky haunted house action song in honor of Halloween next week. This weeks’ Performer of the week is Lily Bollinger

K/1 – This week in Performing Arts we practiced our song for the Holiday show on December 10th. We also congratulated two of our classmates who will have speaking parts in the show Asa Blake who will be playing little Scrooge and Alida Lewandowski who will be playing little Belle. We played some actions song games including a special spooky haunted house action song in honor of Halloween next week. This weeks’ Performer of the week is Kelley Plante

2/3 – This week in performing arts we practiced our Holiday song and learned which of our classmates will have speaking parts in the Holiday show. We read through some of the show and played some action song games including a special spooky haunted house action song in honor of Halloween next week. This weeks’ Performer of the week is Alden Brown

4/5 – This week in performing arts we learned which of our classmates will have speaking parts in the Holiday show. We began a read-through of the show and will continue that next week. This weeks’ Performer of the week is Maggie Cowart.

6/7/8 – This week in performing arts we learned which of our classmates will have speaking parts in the Holiday show. We began a read-through of the show and will continue that next week. This weeks’ Performer of the week is Connor Gillen.

Ms. Russell

Pre-K   We are learning about personal space and general space. We are learning how to move around safely. We have been practicing skipping and galloping in general space. We also have spent time hiking in the woods.

K-1   We are practicing moving safely in general space while playing lead up games and tag games. I introduced Yoshi this week.

2-3     We have been practicing sportsmanship and teamwork while playing lead up games such as capture the bean bag and Yoshi.

4-5       We have been practicing sportsmanship and teamwork while playing lead up games such as capture the bean bag and Yoshi.

6,7,8     We have been practicing sportsmanship and teamwork while playing lead up games such as capture the bean bag and Yoshi.


10/29        11:45 AM                   Halloween Parade

12:30 PM                  Early release


11/2                           Election Day

11/7                           Daylight Savings Time Ends

11/9               6:00 PM                    School Board Meeting

11/11                         Holiday—NO SCHOOL

11/19             12:30 PM                  Early release

11/24—11/26          HOLIDAY BREAK