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Newsletter 11/15/19


Thank you

  • To the Veteran’s that came and shared their stories with us.
  • To everyone who baked pies for the Thanksgiving Lunch.
  • To everyone who volunteered with the Thanksgiving Lunch. It was a wonderful celebration.
  • To PTF for all the hard work in making the Thanksgiving Lunch a wonderful time for everyone.



Puffin Classroom Needs

The Puffin Classroom is looking for Hot Wheel cars.  Drop them off in the office please.






Dress Safely Reminder               

Please remember, wear something reflective if you’re walking home after school, sports practices, or games.  It gets dark so early now, if you are wearing dark clothing, it makes it very hard for drivers to see you.  Please be safe!






Sports Physicals

If your child is playing sports, please remember to schedule a sports physical.






Book Fair Time

We will have a soft opening on Friday, November 15th for parents and visitors that will be here during the Thanksgiving Lunch.  Books will be available for purchase.


Upper grade students and parent volunteers will set up our ARCTIC themed fair on Monday.


On Tuesday and Wednesday, teachers and students will look at the books and make wish lists for themselves and the classroom.  These selections will be posted for those who would like to sponsor said books for any of the classrooms.


Otherwise, 11/20 (Wednesday) & 11/21 (Thursday) will be the heart of the book fair as far as purchasing goes.

Here is a link to our HOMEPAGE for the fair:

**you can make ORDERS ONLINE at the link above!…quick…easy…and shipped right to your home!


We are still looking for some volunteers to help set up, guide, and take payment during the days of the fair.

You can donate your time at the link below:

Thank you, Mr. Kennerk



PTF News

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, November 22nd @ 7:30 AM Coffee Social. Come have a cup of coffee and a snack.
  • Saturday, December 14th, Annual Holiday Craft Show 10-2. Great place to get unique holiday gifts. Mark your calendars now! If you are interested in participating in the Craft Show, please email or call 207-266-1298. If you are interested in participating in the Craft Show please register



Warm Clothes Swap

Our winter clothes rack is set up and ready to go!  Please feel free to bring in warm, clean, winter gear in and take anything you may need.






Community Events






Christmas Angels with the First Congregational Church of Blue Hill

Christmas Angels are gearing up for their 31st season, spreading holiday cheer. The program provides gifts of warm clothing to children in need who reside full time in Blue Hill, Brooklin, Brooksville, Castine, Orland, Penobscot, Sedgwick, Surry and Deer Isle/Stonington. The Christmas Angels Program, coordinated by the First Congregational Church of Blue Hill, depends on the generosity of individuals, clubs and businesses. Last year, 119 children were served from 55 families across the Blue Hill Peninsula.

Each Angel will be provided a detailed list of a child’s clothing wishes, including age (newborn-18 years old), size and any specific needs; up to 3 items per child. Shopping will take place in November and early December, with distribution of gifts on December 5th and 12th. If you would like to be an Angel, contact Ruth Miller at or 374-2003.

You can also help by donating new books and stuffed animals, unwanted 2020 calendars and Christmas cards, which can be dropped off in Fellowship Hall (downstairs at the Church) in the marked containers. Financial donation are always welcomed and appreciated. Checks made out to First Congregational Church of Blue Hill, with the notation “Christmas Angels”, can be mailed to PO Box 444, Blue Hill, ME 04614.

To receive assistance from the Program, pick up a request form from your school office, the Church Office (22 Tenney Hill), Tree of Life Food Pantry or the Island Food Pantry. Early sign-up is highly appreciated.









11/14-11/22                                                    Scholastic Book Fair

11/18                          4:00 -6:30PM              Combined Boys and Girls Basketball Practice

11/19                          4:00 -6:30PM              Combined Boys and Girls Basketball Practice

11/20                          3-4:30 PM                   Boys Basketball Practice

4:30-6 PM                   Girls Basketball Practice

11/21                          3-4:30 PM                   Girls Basketball Practice

4:30-6 PM                   Boys Basketball Practice

11/22                                                              No Basketball Practices

11/25-11/26                                                   Teacher Workshop Days—No School

11/25                          3-4:15 PM                   Voluntary Practice for Boys and Girls

11/26                          3-4:15 PM                   Voluntary Practice for Boys and Girls

11/27-11/29                                                   Holiday Break—No School

11/27-11/29                                                   No Basketball Practices