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Newsletter 11/19/20

Thank You to Our Veteran’s

Here is the link to the Brooklin School video that all students participated in to thank our Veteran’s.

Pre-K and Kindergarten Artwork

Dress Safely Reminder               

Please remember, wear something reflective if you’re walking home after school.  It gets dark so early now, if you are wearing dark clothing, it makes it very hard for drivers to see you.  Please be safe!

Artwork from Grades 1/2

Dress Warmly

It is cold outside at recess.  Please be sure to send kids with winter jackets, mittens or gloves, hats, snow pants and boots.  If students do not come dressed appropriately they will not be allowed to go outside for recess.

Curriculum Updates

Week of 11/12/20

Last week Pre-K and K students were introduced to the new iPads and how to handle them respectfully and responsibly. This week Pre-K and K students will continue to work towards connecting and using their headset, log into Khan Academy Kids, and Google classroom.  Puffin and Pre-K mathematicians love to do “roll-a-dough” numerals, pattern blocks, and self-directed games using math manipulatives to cement 1:1 correspondence skills and numeration. Puffin and Pre-K literacy skills of rhyme identification and creating rhymes can get silly, which is a great way to keep students engaged. Pre-K and K author/ illustrators are working to add more details to their pictures and writing their own words or working to write the sounds they hear/say in the words.

This week in Math the Second grade continued to work on measuring objects with a centimeter ruler and a meter stick. In literacy, second graders worked on word families of words ending in uck, ack, ick, and ock. We practiced when a word ends in -CK (when a vowel is right before the ‘k’ sound) like clock, and when a word ends in just -k (when a consonant is right before the ‘k’ sound) like a shark. The First grade continued to work on their Math facts. They also worked on understanding the meaning of the equal sign by making equivalent expressions, or number sentences. 5+3=6+2. First grade has been working on sight words and handwriting. They have been working on hearing sounds and blending them together for phonemic awareness, to make a full word. “c+a+t=cat”. Kindergarten and first grade did a word sort with words beginning with the sounds of j, w, and k. The Kindergarten continues to work on writing numbers and understanding what numbers make up another number, 2= 1+ 1. They also explored Zern, a Math game, on their iPads.

ELA:3/4 (Mrs. Thoner) – This week students investigated various world maps to locate landforms, continents, oceans, and various countries, states, cities, and bodies of water.  The next project they will be involved in will be to choose a country to research with the goal of finding out how children of that country are provided access to library books.  So far we have read about children in remote areas having access to free books through traveling libraries, which include bookmobiles, horses, and burros.  We will continue our study of the importance of access to education – especially the power of learning to read – and to access free or borrowed books.  The culminating project for the research is a two-sided bookmark that represents the country the child has chosen to study.

5/6 (Mrs. Thoner) – This week we continued with our mid-unit and end of unit assessments, which include writing a literary analysis of a new text.  The overarching goal so far has been to help students understand how a narrator of a story impacts how that story is written.  Each of our readings has been from the point of view of a child who has gone through a natural disaster and survived. The next portion of our study will focus on children around the world and how they are provided the essential resources required to live: food, shelter, water.

7/8 (Mrs. Thoner) – This week we have continued our study of Frederick Douglass, his writings, and poetry written in the late 1800s and early 1900s.  Students have been working on solidifying the differences between metaphor and simile, and alliteration and assonance.  We have learned that Frederick Douglass used many of these tools (as well as an allusion) in his writings.  We were also introduced to the concept that as individuals are given power over others, they tend to become corrupted by that power.

3/4 Super StudiesLast week, students created posters and models to show something they have learned about the Wabanaki tribes. They made posters, baskets, models of wigwams, and flags. They also had some great class discussions about what culture is and how their culture is similar to and different from traditional Wabanaki cultures.

5/6 Super Studies Over the course of the year, students will add sections to a class digital book or website about ancient civilizations. This week, they created their pages about ancient Mesopotamia. Of course, there was also lots of discussion about the presidential election and the electoral college!

7/8 Super Studies Last week, students continued preparing their video presentations about presidents. Several students dressed in costumes and recorded their speeches in character as their president. These projects will be completed next week. Of course, there was also lots of discussion about the presidential election and the electoral college!


PK – 8th Grade – This week in music/performing arts classes at Brooklin school we finalized our Veterans Day video project! We got classes together (spaced apart of course!) in the gym to take videos of students signing the patriotic songs they have been working on! Then in our classes, we worked on creating special thank you cards for veterans! Some of us had family members we wanted to make our cards out to and some of us just made them for the veterans in our community in general. Some students, having heard the stories about my own father who is a veteran chose to make their cards out to him which was very thoughtful! This weekend and early next week I will be editing the videos and putting them all together into one big show that will end with a beautiful slideshow of all of our thank you cards!

Artwork from Grades 3/4

Curriculum Updates

Week of 11/19/20

This week Pre-K and Kindergarten students were introduced to their email accounts. Students learned how to look for the blue google meet live link in their emails and many students were able to send and receive emoji filled emails to and from family. Friday’s practice remote day was exciting for most of us, but a few students were reminded of last spring and were sad to not be at school. Pre-K and Puffin mathematicians are solving How many questions with 4 or 5 objects. The Pop-Up game is popular during math fluency time with Pre-K and K; and also helps us practice physical distancing in a fun way. The game is played with students seated in a circle formation. If the number is 3, children count in the following way: Student A says, “ONE” (remains seated); Student B says “TWO” (remains seated); Student B says “THREE” and POPS UP to standing. The next student begins the counting sequence again. The students love predicting who will be the next student to Pop up, and we have added the “silly statue challenge” to those students who are standing while we count. The silly statue challenge is: to hold yourself in a silly position until the next child POPS up! —

This week the kindergarten mathematicians worked on writing and recognizing the number words for numbers one to five. They played a subtraction game called Monkey Trouble, with dice and “bananas”, yellow unifix cubes. The First-grade mathematicians continued to work on making number sentences equal, 7+3=5+5 and also recognizing if they are not equal and making them equal. In literacy, the kindergarten and first graders worked on words with the beginning sounds of w, z, and y, along with their phonemic awareness and making words. The Second-grade mathematicians continued to work on measuring objects and adding centimeters to make a meter. 40 cm+60 cm= 100 cm= 1 meter. In literacy, the second graders continued to focus on the ending sounds of ack, uck, ock, and ick. The First and Second grade also worked on a game called Which One Does Not Belong. Looking at a set of four objects or numbers and talking about why one does not belong. There are no right or wrong answers; it is about being able to explain why they picked the one they picked.

3/4 ELA – Mrs. Thoner-This week was a quick one!  We spent time learning how to access Google Classroom, Google Meet, and emails.  We also spent time starting our research for our bookmark projects.  Most students have chosen a country on which to focus.

5/6 ELA – Mrs. Thoner-This week we spent time finishing up our end of the Unit 2 assessment and started Unit 3.  Students were also able to meet with Ellen Booraem for a writing workshop focused on plot development.

7/8 ELA – Mrs. Thoner_Students have continued their study of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and poetry written in the late 1800s to early 1900s.  Students have also continued with their writing with Ellen Booraem.  She is graciously volunteering her time to coach budding writers.

3/4 Super Studies-This week the students practiced some of their technology skills by emailing silly messages to the teacher, uploading their favorite photos from an outdoor scavenger hunt to Google Classroom, and playing Simon Says over Google Meet. They were also delighted to get to do their Forest Friday activity on Thursday, during which they found beautiful autumn leaves, cut them in half, glued them to paper, and drew the other half of the leaf while trying to keep it realistic and symmetrical.

5/6 Super Studies-This week we wrapped up learning about Mesopotamia by sharing the kids’ individual portions of what will become a class book on ancient civilizations. Then we changed gears and started our next science unit on weather by reviewing the water cycle. Students also read about and discussed their understanding of humidity.

7/8 Super Studies-Students worked on finishing their movies of their president presentations. It was great to have some of the class be able to share their videos during our remote class on Friday, and we’re looking forward to seeing the rest of them on Monday in class before moving on to our next science units on the human body.

3rd-grade math – In addition to preparing to learn remotely for our practice on Friday, the students finished up module 1 and took a test.  Students will be finishing the test on Monday and starting the next unit.

4th-grade math –  In addition to preparing to learn remotely for our practice on Friday, the students started learning about area and perimeter.

5/6th-grade math –  In addition to preparing to learn remotely for our practice on Friday, the students worked with comparison shopping and converting units.

7th-grade group A – In addition to preparing to learn remotely for our practice on Friday we wrapped up module one and took a test.  They will be finishing the test on Monday.

7th-grade math group B  – In addition to preparing to learn remotely for our practice on Friday, the students worked with scale factors and computing actual lengths from scale drawings.

8th-grade math group A – In addition to preparing to learn remotely for our practice on Friday, the students did more geometry work in translating figures.

8th-grade math group B – In addition to preparing to learn remotely for our practice on Friday, the students worked more with angles associated with parallel lines and the angle sums of triangles.

Artwork from Grades 5/6

PTF News:

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  • Thank you to everyone in Brooklin for donating such awesome, warm clothing to the Warm Clothing Drive. We put lots of warm clothes on Brooklin kids!
  • Backpacks will be going home Monday afternoon next week. They will be large so if you would like to pick them up that is also an option.
  • The PTF will be feeding a number of families with the Backpack Program for Thanksgiving break and all other long weekends and breaks throughout the year. It takes money to run this essential program!  During quarantine and throughout the summer, instead of 21 students, we delivered food weekly to 45 children. The PTF provided for all siblings in the home, high school students, and any child in Brooklin, even if they did not attend the Brooklin School. The cost of this essential program was $13,000. We are looking at another LONG winter and we need your help to keep this program afloat. We can not have our amazing auction or Pies By Guys this year due to Covid so we need more help spreading the word. If you know someone that is interested in donating to our great organization please send them the link. Thank you! 


11/20               12:00                                       Dismissal

11/24                12:00                                       Dismissal

11/25-11/27                 Holiday—No School




12/4                 12:00                                       Dismissal

12/8                 6:00pm                                    School Board Meeting

12/11               12:00                                       Dismissal

12/18               12:00                                       Dismissal

12/23-1/3                     Holiday—No School