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Newsletter 11/21/19

Thank you

  • To all the parents, teachers and friends who purchased books at the book fair or donated to the book fair for other students, classrooms or the library. This is greatly appreciated!


Winter Concert and Open House–Save the date

The Winter Concert and Open House will be December 19th. The Open House starts at 5:30 PM with the concert to follow at 6:00 PM.


Mittens and Gloves

We are looking for mittens and gloves for kids to wear out to the playground if they forget theirs.  If you can help, please drop those off in the office.  Thank you in advance.


Hand Foot Mouth Disease

A student was found to have a confirmed case of Hand, Foot and Mouth (Enteroviral vesicular exanthem) tat school.  Hand, foot, and mouth disease is caused by a Coxsackie Virus and is a common acute, self-limiting viral illness found usually in children under age 10 years.


The disease usually manifests itself with fever, sore throat and small oral lesions on the sides of tongue, buccal surface and gums.  A rash on the palms, fingers, and soles of the feet usually follows. The skin rash may be raised and contain fluid and it does not itch.  Symptoms may last 7 to 10 days.


Hand Foot and Mouth Disease is transmitted by direct contact with nose and throat discharges or fecal contaminates from infected persons. The incubation period is usually three to six days.  The period of communicability is during the acute stage of illness and perhaps for weeks after since the virus is also present in the stool.  Palliative treatment may be provided and the child usually recovers in 7 to 10 days.



  • Use good hand washing and covering mouth and nose when sneezing or coughing, as  well as other preventive measures.
  • Contact the school if disease is suspected.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces; door knobs, toys.
  • Do not share utensils.
  • Will be excluded from school until lesions have drained and healed.


Treatment: The diagnosing physician may recommend or prescribe medications to ease the symptoms.  



Instructional Updates

3/4 Math – 3rd-grade mathematicians completed their module on multiplication and division with numbers 1-5. We began studying how to tell time to the nearest minute on analog clocks. This is something you can practice with them at home. 4th-grade mathematicians completed their unit on measurement with metric units such as meter, liter, and gram. They continued to work on their fact fluency, as well.


5/6 Math: 5th-grade mathematicians completed their work on multiplying multi-digit numbers. We then began a brief application of this by converting between different units of measure using multiplication. 6th-grade mathematicians completed their module on ratios, rates, and percentages. We began our next module, which focuses on the division of fractions.


7/8 Math: 7th-grade mathematicians learned how to multiply and divide integers this week. They also improved their skills of adding and subtracting integers. 8th-grade mathematicians worked through informal proofs of the angle sum theorem and used algebra to solve for unknown angles in triangles.


3/4 This week, the 3/4 class began applying what they’ve been learning about 19th-century schools towards making a class “quilt” that shows scenes of children’s experiences back then. They are also working on writing descriptions of their scenes. As we near the end of our read-aloud of Little House in the Big Woods, the students continue to enjoy the book and are eager to hear more each day.


5/6 This week, the 5/6 class began their unit on the Industrial Revolution. They have been reading and discussing some of the innovations that led to the first steps of industrialization in England in the 1700s.


7/8 This week, the 7/8 class began exploring the issues surrounding sustainable transportation around the world. This began with defining sustainable as “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” This concept will continue to be a thread by exploring possible solutions to other global issues throughout the year.


3/4 ELA – This week students worked on words that ended in -ue (blue, clue, argue, etc.) and -oy (boy, toy, etc.) for spelling. We finished up most of Love That Dog, and only have the summative assessment to finish on that.  Differentiated reading groups read either The Mouse and the Motorcycle or a book from the Magic Tree House Series about the California earthquake of the 1900″s.  The next whole group text will be a read-aloud of Charlotte’s Web.  Students will also engage in independent or group reading time on leveled texts – mostly Reader’s Theater type books.


5/6 ELA – This week students completed the assessment on the first part of Chains.  This week students will complete the book Chains on their own and will complete the final assessment for the text.  After the Thanksgiving break, all students will begin a new book, which will be completed by Dec. 20th.


7/8 ELA -This last week we completed A Long Walk to Water.  The final essay on Long Walk to Water is due Friday.  We will be starting The Disappearing Spoon this week to go along with a chemistry unit being introduced by Mrs. Bebell soon.  Students will be assigned specific chapters over the content to present to others in their class.  This will include further research on the element which is assigned.



PTF News

Thank You

Thank you to our wonderful teachers, staff, awesome PTF members and parents that helped with Friendsgiving! Parents and friends, your pies were so delicious and we thank you. Brittney, Sloan, and Eden thank you so much for managing the Book Sale on the day of Friendsgiving. The kids loved book shopping and it was only possible because you donated your time.



Upcoming Events:


  • Thursday, November 21st @ 3:10 we need help packing the bags for the Brooklin Backpack Program. Meet inside the school.
  • Friday, November 22nd @ 7:30 AM Coffee Social. Come have a cup of coffee and a snack.
  • Saturday, December 14th, Annual Holiday Craft Show 10-2. Great place to get unique holiday gifts. Mark your calendars now! If you are interested in participating in the Craft Show, please email or call 207-266-1298. If you are interested in participating in the Craft Show please register


Warm Clothes Swap

Our winter clothes rack is set up and ready to go!  Please feel free to bring in warm, clean, winter gear in and take anything you may need. There is SO much good clothing! Come in and take a look or drop some things off.






11/21                          3-4:30 PM                   Girls Basketball Practice

4:30-6 PM                   Boys Basketball Practice

11/22                                                              No Boys or Girls Basketball Practices

3-4:00 PM                   Pre-K/K  Pee Wee Practice

11/25-11/26                                                   Teacher Workshop Days—No School

11/25                          3-4:15 PM                   Voluntary Practice for Boys and Girls

11/26                          3-4:15 PM                   Voluntary Practice for Boys and Girls

11/27-11/29                                                   Holiday Break—No School

11/27-11/29                                                   No Basketball Practices





12/2                3-4:00 PM                                           Boys B team Practice

3-4:00 PM                                           Grades 1/2 Pee Wee Practice

4-5:30 PM                                           Boys and Girls Combined Practice

12/3                4:00 PM                                               Home Basketball Game vs Blue Hill (girls first)

12/4                3-4:30 PM                                           Boys Basketball Practice

4:30-6 PM                                           Girls Basketball Practice

12/5                4:00 PM                                               Game at Orland Community Center vs Bay School

(girls first)

12/6                3-4:00 PM                                           Pre-K/K   Pee Wee Practice

12/8                3-4:15 PM                                           Voluntary Practice for Boys and Girls

12/9                4:00 PM                                               Home Basketball Game vs Surry (boys first)

12/10              3-4:00 PM                                           Grades 1/2 Pee Wee Practice

4-5:30 PM                                           Boys and Girls Combined Practice

12/11              4:15 PM                                               Game at Penobscot School vs Penbrook (boys first)

12/12              4:00 PM                                               Game at DISES (boys first)

12/13              1:00 PM                                               Early Release

12/14              10-2:00 PM                                         PTF Craft Fair

12/15              3-4:15 PM                                           Voluntary Practice for Boys and Girls

12/16              3-4:00 PM                                           Grades 1/2 Pee Wee Practice

4:00 PM                                               Game at Sedgwick (boys first)

12/17              3-4:00 PM                                           Grades 1/2 Pee Wee Practice

4-5:30 PM                                           Boys and Girls Combined Practice

12/18              4:00 PM                                               Game at Surry (girls first)

12/19              5:30 PM                                               Open House

6:00 PM                                               Winter Concert

12/20              3-4:00 PM                                           Pre-K/K   Pee Wee Practice

12/22              3-4:15 PM                                           Voluntary Practice for Boys and Girls

12/23—1/1                                                                 Holiday Break—NO School

12/23              3-4:15 PM                                           Voluntary Practice for Boys and Girls

12/26              3-4:15 PM                                           Voluntary Practice for Boys and Girls