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Newsletter 2/10/21

Art from the Puffin Class

Curriculum Updates

Performing Arts

PK/K – This week we continued our study of instruments in the orchestra. We played a musical instrument family sorting game where we sorted different instruments into the families they belonged to. We danced to some action songs and watched the next part of the orchestra performance of Peter and the Wolf which we will finish next week.

1/2 – This week we continued our study of instruments in the orchestra. We watched videos on the Oboe, Bassoon, and French Horn to learn more about what these instruments sound like and how to play them. We danced to some action songs and watched the next part of the orchestra performance of Peter and the Wolf which we will finish next week.

3/4 – This week we continued our study of instruments in the orchestra. We watched videos on the Oboe, Bassoon, and French Horn to learn more about what these instruments sound like and how to play them. We danced to some action songs and watched the next part of the orchestra performance of Peter and the Wolf which we will finish next week.

5/6 – This week we continued our study of music that came from the Holocaust. We watched a video of a woman who was a prisoner and Terezin and Auschwitz and talked about her experiences in both places. We read the poem “The Closed Town” from the book I Never Saw Another Butterfly. We talked about an upcoming video project where students will choose a poem from the book and create their own music to go along with the poem and then create a video with the words to the poem overlaid on images and their song playing in the background.

7/8 – This week we continued our study of music that came from the Holocaust. We watched a video of a woman who was a prisoner and Terezin and Auschwitz and talked about her experiences in both places. We read the poem “The Closed Town” from the book I Never Saw Another Butterfly. We talked about an upcoming video project where students will choose a poem from the book and create their own music to go along with the poem and then create a video with the words to the poem overlaid on images and their song playing in the background.

Curriculum Updates

First and Second Grade

This week in math and literacy in grades k-2, students took the NWEA tests. We take this test in the fall when school starts, again in the winter, and we will take it again in the spring. Students showed great growth in this test since the fall, and I am so excited to keep teaching and learning to see how they do in the spring!
We were so excited and grateful for the snow, and I enjoyed watching as every single student in our class worked together to build this awesome igloo! If I had let them have an unlimited amount of time building this, I’m sure it would have ended up twice as tall and include a roof!
Finally, we moved our classroom to the cafeteria! We now have more space and don’t feel so cramped.


3/4-This week we continued the introduction to the Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Nation. We revisited the Thanksgiving Address and listened to a read-aloud book about Hiawatha.   Students will start their new books this week.  Students were also able to take their NWEA reading tests this week.  Everyone made growth – some made double-digit growth!

ELA – 5/6
Students continued their study of The Story of Gilgamesh.  Central standards include theme, figurative speech, and poetic form, along with others. Students were also able to take their NWEA reading tests this week.
ELA – 7/8
Students are finishing up the final touches on the children’s books they have been writing and illustrating.  They also continue to work on their fiction pieces for “Ellen Writing”.  Students were also able to take their NWEA reading tests this week.

Super Studies

3/4 Super Studies
The students began collecting information about the 50 states to compile in a digital notebook. They are getting better at identifying the states on a map every day! On Forest Friday the students built towers out of snow, and even then they were noticing chunks of frozen snow that were shaped like different states.

5/6 Super Studies

This week, students connected what they have been learning about Ancient Egypt to the geography of that region of Africa. They learned about how the landscape influences human behavior and the development of civilization. They also began learning about the ancient Nubian Kingdoms to Egypt’s south and how the two civilizations were connected. On Forest Friday, we had a lovely time snowshoeing through the woods and discovered that it can be much more tiring hiking with snowshoes on!
7/8 Super Studies
This week, students simulated the process that a bill goes through to become a law by working in three groups (to represent the three branches of government) to create a pretend lunch menu. They also learned about the 6 goals of the Constitution as described by the preamble. In between NWEA tests, students also found time to quiz themselves on how well they know the locations of the 50 states.

Art from Pre-K


3rd-grade math – Students took their math NWEA, had a snow day, and continued to work on subtraction with regrouping.  We spiced it up a bit on Friday and did our practice in the gym with scooters!
4th-grade math – Students took their math NWEA, had a snow day, and worked with multiple ways to divide with remainders.
5th-grade math – Students took their math NWEA, had a snow day, and worked with fractions, decimals, and measurement conversions.
6th-grade math – Students took their math NWEA, had a snow day, and continued their work with multiplying decimals.
7th-grade math – students took their math NWEA, had a snow day, and continued their work with expressions using rational numbers.
8th-grade math – students took their math NWEA, had a snow day, and continued their work with linear equations.

Art from Grades 1/2

News from GSA

GSA Virtual Info Night on Wednesday, March 3rd, 6:00 – 7:00pm.   This evening will focus on how we support students during their time at GSA, and it will offer a deeper peek into our exceptional Athletic, and Visual and Performing Arts programs.     Parents and students are encouraged to join!   Please register at and include your child’s name, grade, current school, and your home email address. You will receive an email invitation link directly from Zoom approximately 48 hours prior to the event. This invitation link is required for security purposes.   Questions? Call the Admissions office at 374-2808 or email the address above.



2/12                                                     Winter Carnival

2/15—2/19                                          February Vacation


3/12                                                     Coffee Social via Zoom

3/19                                                    Workshop Day/No School


4/3                                                       Town Meeting

4/19—4/23                                          April Vacation


5/31                                                     Holiday/No school