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Newsletter 2/4/21

Thank You

Thank you to Mary and Steve McRae for the donation of two new books to our school library.

Coffee Social

Coffee Social via zoom, Friday, February 5th at 7:30 AM with Principal Jil Blake.

Curriculum Updates

The PK/K students drew geometric form drawings.  The lesson offers instruction in shape, color, movement and 2 dimensional orientation.
The 1/2 students drew geometric form drawings.  The lesson offers instruction in shape, color, movement and 2 dimensional orientation. The “crown” form that they drew was a deeply involved multi-step piece.
The 3/4 students drew Celtic knots step by step to preserve the space for the areas of intersection where the pattern weaves in an alternating over/ under pattern. We discussed beyond the two dimensions of drawing and how can create the illusion of a third dimension—depth—by the over/under pattern and how we can delicately shade and shadow to accentuate the 3 rd dimension.
The 5/6 students used their iPad app “Sketch” to bring color to the outlined image of a Pharaoh’s death mask—to accompany Super Studies. Some investigated photos online to capture the realistic color layout, while others took a more Warhol approach with wild color combinations.
The 7/8 students have been working on an illustrated children’s book about Frederick Douglass with Ms. Thoner in ELA. Student were given time to work on/complete the illustrations.
Art from Pre-k and Grades 1/2

Curriculum Updates

 Music/Performing Arts

This week with students in P-4 grade continued our study on instruments of the Orchestra. We looked at a book that showed us some different instruments and the sounds that they make. Then we continued watching a version of the Boston Symphony Youth Orchestra performing Peter and the Wolf.

This week with students in 5-8  grade continued our study on music, art, and poetry that came from the Holocaust. We read excerpts from the Foreword from the book of collected poems and artwork from the concentration camp Terezin called I Never Saw Another Butterfly.  We read a poem from the book as well and talked about an upcoming project where students will choose a poem from the book to read in class.

Art from 5/6 Grade

Curriculum Updates

1st and 2nd grade
This week in Math, the kindergarteners started to learn about measuring. They learned about longer and shorter. We also worked on adding, and how many do I need to make 10. In literacy, kindergarten is working on solidifying their vowel sound automaticity, and are getting better every week. They are able to write many words by sounding out each sound and writing what they hear. 
The first grade mathematicians also worked on measurement and learned shorter or longer than. They also worked on place value and practiced math facts. In literacy, they worked very hard on writing sight words, beginning and ending blends (STop, beST), and writing out sentences with words that followed the spelling patterns we practiced. 
The second grade worked on place value and how to write or  say numbers in expanded form, word form, unit form and numeral form. They also worked on adding two digit numbers. One second grader worked on fractions, time and money. On Friday the first and second graders played a game called Factile, which is like Jeopardy, as a review for the work they had done through the week. In literacy, second grade worked very hard on writing sight words, beginning and ending blends (STop, beST), and writing out sentences with words that followed the spelling patterns we practiced. 
This week students in 5/6  worked on reading and understanding Chapter 3 in The Story of Gilgamesh.  Written work focused on the acceptable way to respond to a question by restating the question in the answer and by providing evidence to support your answer.  We were also able to have Ellen Booraem join us on Wednesday to continue with our writing projects.  Some students were even willing to come into “class” after school to continue listening to and critiquing other student’s work.
This week students in 7/8 worked on grammar and sentence construction/deconstruction.  Identifying the main clause and modifying clauses of sentences, constructing sentences when given short phrases to combine into one sentence, etc. They continued working on their children’s books. We also had a writing session with Ellen Booraem.  Our students are becoming terrific writers!
Art from 7/8 Grade

Curriculum Updates

3/4 Super Studies
This week, the students shared their research on different scientists with each other, did a scavenger hunt for facts about the scientists, and imagined which one they would like to have lunch with. We also read Flat Stanley in preparation for a project we’ll start next week during which students will mail a special package to friends and family around the country in hopes of learning more about the states.
5/6 Super Studies
This week, students gave presentations to the class on the different Egyptian pharaohs they have researched. Students made slideshows, infographics, costumes, dioramas, and movies! Their projects were very creative and detailed. We also attempted to give our new Minecraft: Education Edition accounts a trial run so we can use that platform for exploring history and geography in the future.
7/8 Super Studies
This week, students examined the details of the Bill of Rights and some other key amendments to the Constitution. They learned about how the Bill of Rights was a compromise between the Federalists, who supported the Constitution, and the Anti-Federalists, who opposed a strong central government. What a great example of compromise between two very different groups of Americans! Students also put their understanding of the Amendments to the test by playing the iCivics game “Do I Have a Right?”

Spirit Week  February 8-12th

Monday 8th– Wear blue or gold or your Brooklin School shirt
Tuesday 9th–Wear your hair in a crazy style or a crazy hat
Wednesday 10th–Dress up with a buddy as twins
Thursday 11th–Wear your PJ’s to school
Friday 12th–Winter Carnival.  Activities outside for the morning, bring warm clothing!
Winter Carnival 
The fun activities on Friday for Winter Carnival include, sledding, snow sculptures, obstacle course, hot chocolate and smores, an art project and cookie decorating.  Be sure to bring outside winter clothing because we will be outside most of the morning.



2/5                   7:30 AM                     Coffee Social(Zoom)

2/8—2/12                                              Spirit Week

2/9                   6:00 PM                      School Board Meeting


2/12                 7:30 AM                     Coffee Social(Zoom)

Winter Carnival

2/15—2/19                                          February Vacation

2/26                 7:30 AM                     Coffee Social(Zoom)



3/19                                                    Workshop Day/No School


4/3                                                       Town Meeting

4/19—4/23                                          April Vacation


5/31                                                     Holiday/No school