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Newsletter 3/16/21

Thank you

  • Gigi Sarsfield for the athletic weights for our fitness center in the gym. Your thoughtfulness is appreciated.
  • Leaf and Anna for the beautiful masks for students.

7/8 Scratch Drawings

Curriculum Updates

Music/Performing Arts Class

PK/K – This week we danced to three action songs. We started to learn to sing our song Dip and Sway by Elsie Gawler. Mrs. Hicks played the song on the Ukulele for us as we learned to sing it. We also listened to and hummed along with our song One Small voice.

1/2 – This week we danced to three action songs. We started to learn to sing our song Dip and Sway by Elsie Gawler. Mrs. Hicks played the song on the Ukulele for us as we learned to sing it. We also listened to and hummed along with our song One Small voice.

3/4 – This week we began to work on singing our song Don’t Forget to Sing By: Elsie Gawler. We mostly focused on the first verse and chorus and talked about how verse three will be a solo for someone. We decided to have solo auditions on April 15th. We also listened to our song One Small Voice.

5/6 – This week in class we watched the last half of the video from Richard and Gayle where they answered questions that we had sent to them. We talked about some of the things that Richard’s parents had to cope with like having to get married in an emergency ceremony at city hall on the day that Germany invaded Prague. Also how we admired Richard’s father for joining the U.S. Army and going back to Prague as a translator to help fight the war.

7/8 – This week in class we watched the last half of the video from Richard and Gayle where they answered questions that we had sent to them. We talked about some of the things that Richard’s parents had to cope with like having to get married in an emergency ceremony at city hall on the day that Germany invaded Prague. Also how we admired Richard’s father for joining the U.S. Army and going back to Prague as a translator to help fight the war.

5/6 Gilgamesh Skit Art

Curriculum Updates

Super Studies

3/4 Super Studies

This week, the students have been learning to identify and categorize plants. They have been using the Seek app on their iPads to identify plants that grow around the school and are discovering how plants can have very different properties. Some have woody trunks, some make flowers, some made spores–there is such diversity in our plant life!
5/6 Super Studies
This week, the students conducted an experiment with paper airplanes. They selected an airplane design and then tested it to see how adding mass in the form of paper clips impacts its flight distance. They had to consider all of the forces acting on the plane and how to make sure it had enough lift to carry cargo.
7/8 Super Studies
This week, the students learned more about the biosphere and atmosphere. Then they brought their understanding of all of the Earth’s major systems together to write a report about the biosphere, atmosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere.

PK/K Art

Curriculum Updates


3/4 ELA:  This past week, we learned about oral history and started to design our own Wampum belts.  Students also worked on reading for details and pre-writing activities to prepare for writing a paragraph about their wampum belt.

5/6 ELA: Students worked hard on creating and starting to produce a play with a partner or partners.  They have been painting their scenery, creating their puppet characters (or otherwise), and writing the script.  The goal is to have productions presented beginning this Thursday.  If all goes as planned, we may be able to share at least some of their productions via video.  More to come!
7/8 ELA: Students have begun their study of To Kill A Mockingbird.  The focus is on character and plot development.  Students are expected to  produce longer pieces of writing that demonstrate organization, cohesion, reasonable arguments (using evidence from the text), and proper grammar and mechanics.  They will also engage in activities intended to extend their stamina for writing for longer periods of time.

Advanced 6th Grade ELA

This week, students completed unit 3 of Greek and Latin vocabulary and read the short story ‘The Lady or the Tiger.’

Advanced 7-8 ELA

Students are reading Alice Walker’s book of essays titled, ‘In Search of Our Mother’s Gardens.’

1/2 Art

Curriculum Updates


3rd-grade math – We worked with using the distributive property to multiply and divide with units of 6 and 7.  We also worked on the unknown in multiplication and division models.  We started working with parentheses and applying them to problems.  They seem to be really enjoying math recently.

4th-grade math – We started the week dividing with multiples of 10, 100, and 1,00- by single numbers.  Then we did more work with division with up to three-digit dividends.  We worked with divisors of 2, 3, 4, and 5, decomposing a remainder up to three times.
5th-grade math –  She worked with writing numeric expressions in word form as well as function tables and graphing ordered pairs. She also worked with word problems using function tables and graphing.
6th-grade math – We looked at the Euclidean Algorithm to help find the greatest common factor of two numbers.  They worked with the least common multiples and greatest common factors.  This finished the unit and they reviewed for the test and took a unit test.
7th-grade math –   We worked with generating equivalent expressions, writing products as sums, and sums as products,   This section seems to be a bit more challenging for them, but they will rise to the challenge!
8th-grade math – Group a looked at graphing linear equations with two variables, constant rate, and defining an equation of a line.  Group B continued their work with linear equations and looked at different ways to find the slope of the line.



3/17                                                    Community showing of movie- Angst (grades 5-8)

3/19                                                    Workshop Day/No School

3/22—3/26                                         Parent/Teacher Conferences


4/2                                                       Coffee Social via Zoom

4/15                                                     Town Public Hearing and Information Night  at 6PM in school gym

4/19—4/23                                          April Vacation


5/7                                                       Coffee Social via Zoom

5/15                                                     Town Meeting at 9AM in school gym