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Newsletter 3/5/20

Thank you

• Ellen for our Dr. Suess themed lunch.
• To the 8th grade class for helping to clean out a closet with the PTF this morning.

Happy Birthday Dr. Suess

Special Guest

We had an impromptu visit from Deputy Luke Gross who comes to do the DARE program with grades 5/6. It’s not every day you get to do Legos with a Deputy!

Instructional Updates

We celebrated the 100th day of school on Tuesday by making 100th-day crowns, activities sorting and counting groups of 10’s to create 100 and writing about what we would do if we had $100! We started the Second Step Social-Emotional Learning curriculum, and have mastered the four skills of learning: Eyes Watching, Ears Listening, Voice Quiet and Body Still.
Super Studies
3/4 Super Studies: During this week’s Adventure Day, we started our spring phenology project. Phenology is the study of how living things change through the seasons, and the students started by recording data, to be submitted to __, about the development of bayberry and winterberry plants around the school. As we do this each week, we’ll be able to track the plants’ changes throughout the season. This week the class also began a unit on transportation. We’ve been comparing different types of transportation and will be looking at the history of how new innovations have changed the way people get around.

5/6 Super Studies: The class is making good progress on their Civil War unit, which we should be wrapping up soon. We’ll be testing our memories next week to see who memorized some (or all!) of the Gettysburg Address. This week we also had the opportunity to send commands to the International Space Station to take photographs of Earth and to view the moon and meteorite samples that Mrs. Bebell is able to borrow from NASA.

7/8 Super Studies: This week, the students started learning about the electromagnetic spectrum. Each day, they will study one type of radiation. So far, they’ve learned about radio waves and microwaves. We also started the Stock Market Game this week, in which the students get to “invest” $100,000 of pretend money in the stock market.

3/4 ELA: Students are continuing their investigation of frogs and other slippery animals. It has been so much fun to read our basic text, then research areas of interest online. Did you know that frogs and geckos eat their shredded skin? Ask your student about his/her favorite area of research.

5/6 ELA: Students just finished Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry. They will be writing a book review this next week (opinion piece) and will continue with their Ellen Writing. We will also begin the novel, Number the Stars, by Lois Lowry.

7/8 ELA: We are continuing our study of I Am Malala, focusing on the importance of education, understanding the power of the press and the power of fringe groups, and understanding the importance of speaking out against those who may be intimidating others.

3/4 Math: 3rd grade mathematicians wrapped up their learning of area this week. They took an assessment to demonstrate what they have learned so far and then began learning about our next unit of study, fractions! 4th grade mathematicians continued their work with equivalent fractions and learned how to use that understanding to simplify fractions. All students worked on their multiples of 5s and 3s.

5/6 Math: 5th grade mathematicians continued their work with multiplying fractions by applying their understanding to word problems. They then extending it to multiplication of a unit fraction by another unit fraction. Students showed this form of multiplication in an area model format. 6th grade mathematicians continued their work with expressions, learning terms such as coefficient, variable, and term. They also explored the Associative and Commutative Properties and wrote expressions in all four operations.

7/8 Math: 7th grade mathematicians continued their work with surface area and then moved on to learning about volume of three-dimensional shapes. 8th grade mathematicians learned more about slope and the y-intercept and graphed lines using the slope-intercept format.

Boatbuilding Update

Last week, the woodworking crew worked on the final shaping and smoothing of their oars. The sail crew worked on finished the edges of the sail. Both teams have one more class to finish their projects before they swap places and make another set of oars and a sail.

PTF News

Upcoming Events:

• 3/13 Coffee Social

See you Saturday, March 7th

Community News

Friend Memorial Library

Events happening at the FML:

Thursday, March 5: Internet Safety class 4:00-5:30 p.m. at Friend Memorial Library. Enroll by contacting Lynne Witham at 348-6443 or

Friday, March 6: Handworks at Friend Memorial Library 9:00 a.m.

Saturday, March 7: Story Time with craft, song and movement 10:30 a.m. Friend Memorial Library

Wednesday, March 11: Walking Wednesday 4:30 p.m. Meet at The Hundred Acre Woods Trail on High Street

Thursday, March 12: Internet Safety class 4:00-5:30 p.m. at Friend Memorial Library

Saturday, March 14: Story Time with craft, song and movement 10:30 a.m. Friend Memorial Library

Brooklin Student Art on Display at the Library

The art of Brooklin School students and Brooklin home school students is on display for the month of March at Friend Memorial Library. Parents, kids and other family members are welcome and encouraged to come see our kids’ great artwork. Library hours are 10:00-4:00 most days, 10:00-6:00 Thursdays. Closed Sundays and Mondays.

Blue Hill Public Library Events

Mar 5 & 19 Dungeons & Dragons Group 3:00 PM Bass Room
Learn the ins and outs of Dungeons & Dragons! Make your own character and play an adventure full of magic and mayhem. New players welcome. Ages 12-18.
Mar 7 Service Dog Program 10:30 AM Howard Room
Meet Josie the service dog, and learn about how service dogs help people.
Mar 10 Wild Sun Catchers: Wintergreen 3:30 PM Howard Room
Learn all about the wintergreen plant in this special activity with Landere Naisbitt of Blue Hill Heritage Trust. Make lip balm, and brew tea with wintergreen! Ages 5-12.
Mar 11 & 25 Lego Club 3:00 PM Larchwood Room
Come build with Legos! Create from your imagination, or a special challenge. Ages 5+.
Mar 19 Pajama Storytime 4:30 PM Larchwood Room
Wear your pajamas, bring a stuffed animal and join us for a story, songs, and coloring.
Mar 21 Robot Storytime 10:00 AM Howard Room
Chris Dorman and her robots will read books and discuss how robots work in this special storytime, followed by a robot dance party and take-home coloring pages! All ages.
Mar 21 Robot Dungeon Runners! 11:00 AM Howard Room
Chris Dorman and her robots will teach students about coding. Come program robots to solve a maze, rescue a dragon, and maybe collect some loot! Ages 8+.
Mar 24 Wild Sun Catchers Storytime 10:30 AM Larchwood Room
Landere Naisbitt of Blue Hill Heritage Trust will read a Almost Time by Gary Schmidt & Elizabeth Stickney and lead a maple-themed craft in this special storytime.
Mar 26 Diverse Universe Book Club: Little & Lion 4:00 PM YA Area
Diverse Universe is a teen book club that meets each month to discuss a book or graphic novel with diverse themes. This month’s book is Little & Lion by Brandy Colbert. Copies are available to check out in advance.
Mar 28 Crafternoons! 1:00 PM Howard Room
Kids of all ages are invited to work on a craft project the last Saturday of every month.


3/5 5:00 PM Basketball Banquet
3/7 5:30 PM Chili, Chowder and Soup Challenge
3/10 6:00 PM School Board Meeting
3/13 7:30 AM Coffee Social
Trimester Ends
3/20 No School—Teacher Workshop Day
3/24 2:15 PM DARE Graduation
3/27 1:00 PM Early Release