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Newsletter 5/17/21

What are students learning this week?

Performing Arts

PK – 2 – In Music we have been working hard on getting ready for our Spring Virtual Concert. This week we talked about how we would be making our recordings of our songs on May 26th during the school day. We talked about how we stand when we sing, and making sure we are singing loud and clear so that we can be heard on the recording. We were lucky to be able to spend a lot of our class time outside so that we could sing our songs nice and loud for practice.

3/4 – We have been practicing our Ukulele skills the past few weeks and getting ready to sing for the Virtual Spring concert. This week we took a break from Ukulele so that we could have auditions for some solo’s in the spring concert. We also talked about the possibility of taking our Ukulele’s home to practice and we took home contracts to look over with our parents to decide if we wanted to be able to do that. We talked about how we would be making our recording for the Virtual Spring Concert on May 26th during the school day.

5 – 8 – This week we worked really hard on our music for the Virtual Spring Concert. We auditioned for solos and talked about how we would be making our recording for the concert on May 26th during the school day.


In math this week kindergarteners continued to work on counting the say ten way, and practiced addition and subtraction facts. Pre-K students formed number sentences with manipulatives and numerals to solve word problems and created their own problems to challenge each other. A favorite game amongst the Pre-K and K students is “guess the number between ___ and ____” . This game helps students with fluency and challenges them to think about which numbers come after the first number and before the second number in the “clue”.  Pre-K and Kindergarten author illustrators thought about what they might like to be when they grow up. Amongst their aspirations are: an artist, coach, teachers, gardener, fireman, veterinarians, boat builder, submarine driver, president and a handsome art teacher.

We are excited about Dutch Soccer this year! Thanks to our wonderful PTF Coach Robbie will be coming to lead an intro to soccer with the  Pre-K and K kids this Thursday from 2-2:45 and on Friday from 10:45-11:30.
First and Second Grade- The Chicks are Coming!
Another week down in growing our chicks in first and second grade! We explored how much our chicks have grown by reading a book about their development when they are in the egg, and also by candling them. This week when we candled the eggs, we saw the embryo which looked like a dark spot, the yolk which was a larger dark mass, and a lot of veins! There were four eggs that appeared to not be making any development, and they were taken out of the incubator. There is so much to learn during an egg unit! 

This week in math the second grade started a new module. They learned about equal groups and repeated addition sentences which are the foundation for multiplication. They also learned about arrays and tape diagrams. The first grade continued to work on telling time to the half hour and worked on writing time in words. They also worked on identifying the fractions, 1/2. 1/3 and 1/4  and equal and unequal shares. Both the first and second graders started a new online math facts practice called X-tra Math. It helps them to become more automatic with their math facts.

3/4 ELA –  We started our study of Lon Po Po, which is a version of a “Red Riding Hood” type story that originated in China.  Our analysis includes close reading and studying the illustrations to help determine setting, personal characteristics of characters, and mood.

5/6 ELA – We have completed The Invention of Hugo Cabret and many students have completed their first drafts of their Ellen Writing stories.  If your child has not shared his or her story with you, please encourage them to do so.  Most of these stories are absolutely wonderful!!!  All students have demonstrated growth from last year’s stories. Much of the next couple weeks will be dedicated to editing and revising the stories so we can get them published.
7/8 ELA – We have completed To Kill a Mockingbird.  Some students have completed their stories for Ellen Writing.  Each student is a skilled writer, and each story is wonderful!!  We hope to get them published!
3rd and 4th grade math the students worked more with fractions.  We played games and looked at fractions on a number line.  We are spending a lot of time getting a good conceptual understanding of fractions so the students can be successful in higher level math.

5th grade math – We continued our work with mixed numbers and fractions.  We also started a look back on what we have done throughout the year to help solidify what we have learned and find areas that need more work.
6 through 8th grade math we started looking back on what they have learned throughout the year. This review will help solidify what they have learned and find areas where students need more work.


5/20-5/11                                             Dutch Soccer

5/21         2 PM                                   Cross Country at Sedgwick

5/26     7:25-12:30 PM                      8th grade visit GSA

5/28         10AM                                 Volleyball game Students vs Staff

2 PM                                  Basketball Game at Sedgwick

5/31                                                     Holiday—No School



6/4           8 AM                                  Coffee Social

9:30 AM                            5K Fun Run

6/14                                                     Beach Day (rain date 16th)

6/15          6 PM                                   Graduation

6/17                                                     Field Day