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Newsletter 9/13/22

Thank You

What a wonderful morning having our grandparents and grand friends here for breakfast and our first morning meeting! Thank you to Ellen for making the yummy muffins. Thank you to all of our guests that came and made our morning special.

Building Security

During the school day, all doors are locked except the front door to the school.  Please ring the buzzer to be let inside.  Always enter and exit through the front door by the flagpole only.  Thank you.


Students are tardy if they are not present at the beginning of the school, which is 7:45 AM. Tardiness is disruptive to other student’s learning and the teacher’s instruction.

Bus Circle Drop Off and Pick Up

A gentle reminder. Please do not line up in front of the school until buses unload in the morning at 7:30 AM  and until buses load in afternoon at 3 PM. Please park off the tar as much as possible to give the buses room to drive in. You may line up from the tennis courts back until buses have come in.


Follow the Brooklin School on Facebook.  Updates on events and school wide news will be posted there.

Brooklin School Webpage

Visit our school web page at  It is a great resource for the school calendar, handbook, and many different links to helpful resources.

Soccer Fun-O-Rama

Saturday, September 24, 2022

At MMA Turf Starting at 6:30pm

6:30 Penbroke A vs Brooklin A           Castine B vs Sedgwick B
7:00 Castine A vs Blue Hill A              Penbroke B vs Deer Isle B
7:30 Deer Isle A vs Bay School A       Sedgwick B vs Blue Hill B
8:00 Castine A vs Deer Isle A             Bay School B vs Penbroke B
8:30 Bay School A vs Brooklin A        Deer Isle B vs Blue Hill B
9:00 Blue Hill A vs Penbroke A           Castine B vs Bay School B

We will be running two games on the turf and switching the teams every 30 minutes. Games will be 24 minutes running time with free substitutions. 5 penalty kicks will follow each 24 minute game (or as many as you can get in those 6 minutes).  *Please remember B games means no 8th graders! Coaches should talk before games to see if there needs to be any other modifications made like playing 8 on 8 based on the numbers.

Here are some rules MMA has set for us:

  1. NO CLEATS inside the building.
  2. Only coaches and athletes on the turf. No food or drinks should be on the turf. No gum.
  3. No smoking or dogs inside the fenced area (including bleachers).
  4. Please clean up your bench area after each game. Hopefully the last four teams can clean up their benches after the last match so no trash remains.
  1. Please clean up the bleachers where your team sits. As is the case everywhere, MMA has a shortage of custodians so if we can leave the facility clean it will be a huge bonus for everyone.




9/13              PTF Meeting 3:15 PM

School Board Meeting 6 PM


9/19              Soccer Game DIS at Brooklin  4 PM

9/21              Soccer Game at Bay School  4 PM

9/23              School Photo Day (tentative) with Lynn Betts

9/24              Soccer Fun-o-rama in Castine 6-8:30 PM (tentative)

9/26              Soccer Game Castine at Brooklin  4 PM

9/28              Soccer game at Sedgwick  4 PM

9/29              Soccer game Penbrook at Brooklin 4 PM

9/30              Early release at 12:30 PM



10/4                     Soccer game at Penbrook (Penobscot) 4 PM

10/6                     Soccer game Blue Hill at Brooklin 4 PM

10/7                     Teacher Workshop—No School

10/10                   Holiday—No School

10/11                    School Board Meeting 6 PM

10/12                   Soccer Game at Deer Isle 4 PM

10/13                   Soccer Game at Castine at 4:30 PM

10/18                   Soccer Game Bay School at Brooklin (tentative)   4 PM

10/28                   Early release at 12:30 PM