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Newsletter 9/17/20

Thank you

  • Maribeth and Jeff for making wonderful lunches for our teachers and staff during our Professional Days.



Follow the Brooklin School on Facebook.  Updates on events and school wide news will be posted there.


Brooklin School Web Page

Visit our school web page at  It is a great resource for the school calendar, handbook, and many different links to helpful resources.


Parent Car Drop Off and Pick Up Line

When dropping off or picking up students in the car line, DO NOT go around any cars in front of you please. This is for safety of all children. Thank you!



Students are tardy if they are not present at the beginning of the school, which is 7:45 AM. Tardiness is disruptive to other student’s learning and the teacher’s instruction.


Early Release every Friday

Reminder of the early release scheduled for every Friday this school year.


Reminder of Security of the Building

During the school day, all doors are locked except the front door to the school.  Please ring the buzzer to be let inside.  Always enter and exit through the front door by the flagpole only.  Thank you.




Newsletter Update

The newsletter will be sent home via e-mail this school year. Please e-mail me at or call me at 359-2133 with any changes in your email.



Outside Classrooms

Be sure to send sweatshirts for the chilly days because we will be using outside classrooms as long as we can.


Physical Education Class

Physical Education classes are on Tuesday’s and Friday’s.  Sneakers are required for physical education class.  Please also send your child dressed in shorts or pants but no dresses or skirts.  Thank you in advance.


Curriculum Updates

Kindergarten and Pre-K had a wonderful first week of school. We are working hard to learn and practice physical distancing skills, wearing masks correctly, and not sharing items; even though sharing used to be a way we show kindness to others. We read, re-read and re-told The Grouchy Ladybug and The Very Hungry Caterpillar several times this week, and had different conversations after each reading. We think that the grouchy ladybug is pretty grouchy and silly and contemplated what we might say if someone yelled, “Hey you! Want to fight?” We explored the forest (wooded areas around the school) and nature trail; students are looking forward to having a picnic in the woods during lunchtime this week.


3/4 ELA – This week we have worked on many things as a homeroom – social distancing, transitions from inside to the classroom space outside, transitions from inside to break times, etc. Basically, social distancing in different spaces – 6′ inside, unless eating or drinking; 14′ outside without a mask (mask break); 3′ outside for general use, if wearing a mask, etc.  These protocols are generally observed to help students and staff stay safe.

We have also worked on some cross-body movements that help us stay focused.


In ELA, we have been working on how to find a word in the dictionary (alphabetizing skills) and how to interpret the meaning of those words: respect, unique, unusual (vs. usual). We have also started our first Unit, which is based on My Librarian is a Camel, and the study of how librarians in various countries provide access to books.  For example, in Columbia, books are distributed by a librarian and a burro.


5/6 ELA – We have started looking at various readings of the book: Eight Days: A Story of Haiti, based on a true story in which a young boy who is buried in the rubble in Haiti survives eight days after an earthquake. Our first unit is based on the book, A life Like Mine published by UNICEF.  This book briefly examines life for children in various parts of the world, including the U.S.A., Laos, Columbia, and other areas.


7/8 ELA – We have started our study of The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass.  One of the supporting texts is The People Could Fly, which I accessed through YouTube, then projected the video on the screen.  We listened to several renditions of the same story – some using the book, and others using the storytelling method.  Then we compared the various pieces and critiqued them.


7/8 Super Studies – Mrs. Bebell

What a great first week of school! The kids have done a wonderful job adjusting to our new routines and it’s wonderful to see everyone again and meet our new students. This week in Super Studies, the students practiced using the scientific method to test the ability of different types of face coverings to stop liquid droplets from a simulate sneeze (a spray bottle of green water) and to observe how the angle of the fake “sneeze” from the spray bottle changes the distance and concentration of the droplets. We ended the week by starting organizing our information to write a lab report next week.


5/6 Super Studies – Mrs. Bebell

What a great first week of school! The kids have done a wonderful job adjusting to our new routines and it’s wonderful to see everyone again and meet our new students. This week in Super Studies, the students practiced using the scientific method to test the ability of different types of face coverings to stop liquid droplets from a simulate sneeze (a spray bottle of green water) and to observe how the angle of the fake “sneeze” from the spray bottle changes the distance and concentration of the droplets. We ended the week by starting organizing our information to write a lab report next week. I’m looking forward to connecting with our remote students next week as well.


3/4 Super Studies – Mrs. Bebell

What a great first week of school! The kids have done a wonderful job adjusting to our new routines and it’s wonderful to be back in the classroom again with so many eager students. This week in Super Studies, we learned what geography is and discussed the five themes of geography. The students are also making maps to show what they are learning about the continents and latitude and longitude. They have enjoyed learning silly ways to remember the names of each of the continents!





9/18                 10:00 AM                               Boat Building 7/8 grades

12:00                                       Dismissal



10/9                                                                 Workshop Day—No School

10/12                                                               Holiday—No School

10/14               12:00                                       Flu Immunization Clinic