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Welcome to Brooklin School. Click here to view school resources.

Newsletter 9/5/19

The first day of school!

Thank you: PTF for the beautiful Welcome Back sign and plants under the Brooklin School sign.

Reminder of Security of the Building

During the school day, all doors are locked except the front door to the school.  Please ring the buzzer to be let inside.  Always enter and exit through the front door by the flagpole only.  Thank you.

Physical Education Class

Physical Education classes are on Tuesday’s and Friday’s.  Sneakers are required for physical education class.  Please also send your child dressed in shorts or pants but no dresses or skirts.  Thank you in advance.

Lost and Found

There are already clothes on the bench in front of the office of lost and found. Remind children to have all their clothes with them at the end of the day.


Follow the Brooklin School on Facebook.  Updates on games, events and school-wide news will be posted there.

Brooklin School Web Page

Visit our new school web page at  It is a great resource for the school calendar, handbook, and many different links to helpful resources.

School Board Meeting — September 10th

The School Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. at the school.  Please come to these meetings and make your important contributions to the school.

Volunteer Form

All parents and volunteers, please fill out the Volunteer Form that was sent home this week.  Without this filled out, returned and a background check is done through the Superintendent’s Office, you will not be allowed to volunteer in the school or with students.

Forms Sent Home

All the forms: free and reduced lunch forms, emergency forms, and several permission forms were sent home this week.   Please read, fill out, and return to school tomorrow.

Newsletter Update

Anyone who is interested in receiving the newsletter via e-mail or regular mail starting in September, please e-mail me at  or call me at 359-2133.

Lunch Costs

Lunch/Milk Program

COSTS (per day):

  • Lunch  $ 3.00
  • Breakfast $1.75
  • Milk $  .40
  • Adult Lunch $7.50

One milk is served with all hot lunches.  Hot lunch includes one milk.

Order extra milks for:

*a second hot lunch milk

*milk to drink with a bag lunch from home.

All extra/snack milks cost $.40.  Families participating in the Free/Reduced lunch program are also charged $.40 per extra milk.

Picture Day-Date

The School Picture Day will be September 23, 2019.

School Picture Day Volunteer

I am looking for a volunteer to help the photographer the morning of  Monday, September 23rd while he/she is taking pictures.  Please call Louanne at 359-2133 if you can help.  Thank you in advance.




  • 9/9, 4:00 PM Soccer Game at Sedgwick
  • 9/11, 3:30 PM Soccer Game Home vs Castine
  • 5:00 PM,Back To School BBQ
  • 9/16 ,4:00 PM Soccer Game at Bay School
  • 9/17,  4:15 PM Soccer Game at Home vs Penbrook
  • 9/18, 4:00 PM   Soccer Game at Deer Isle
  • 9/23,9:00 AM Picture Day
  • 4:00 PM, Soccer Game at Home vs. Surry
  • 9/24 , 3:05 PM PTF Meeting
  • 9/25 , 4:00 PM Soccer Game at Home vs. Bay School
  • 9/26 ,4:00 PM  Soccer Game at Blue Hill
  • 9/27 ,1:00 PM Early Release


  • 10/1 , 4:00 PM  Soccer Game at Home vs. DISES
  • 10/2, 4:00 PM Soccer Game at Home vs. Blue Hill
  • 10/3, 4:00 PM  Soccer Game at Home vs. Sedgwick
  • 10/5, 5:30 PM Funorama at Castine
  • 10/7,  TBA  Kieve for 7/8 Grade
  • 10/11, Parent/Teacher Conferences—No School
  • 10/14 , No School—Holiday
  • 10/15 , 4:00 PM Soccer Game at Surry
  • 10/25 ,1:00 PM   Early Release

PTF News

Brooklin Backpack Program

Brooklin Backpack Program run by the Brooklin School PTF. They are teaming up with the staff and teachers of Brooklin School to offer a supply of nutritious meals and snacks for children over extended weekends and breaks, free of charge. Their teacher distributes bags to your child on the last school day before the long weekend or break. The bag of food will be discreetly placed in the oldest child in the families backpack before they get onto the bus.

Any child enrolled in Brooklin School is able to receive these weekly bags of food.
If you do not want your child to participate in this program, please fill out the form below. You only need to need to return this form if you do not want your child to participate in Brooklin Backpack Program.

PTF Barbecue–September 11th,  5:00 pm

The PTF (Parents Teachers Friends) group invites everyone in our school community to our annual Back To School BBQ to kick off another school year. The event will be held on Wednesday, September 11th starting at 5:00 at school. Please come and join us for this annual event for all teachers, staff, students, families, and friends of the school. The PTF will grill hot dogs, hamburgers, and sausages and will also provide fixings, snacks, and drinks. We are asking people who attend to please bring a side dish, salad or dessert item to share with everyone. Please remember no nuts!

Welcome back to school

 The PTF members welcomed our teachers back to school with an awesome hearty breakfast last week. Thank you to all the parents and friends that made that happen. Everyone at Brooklin School had been working hard all summer to get school cleaned and refreshed and it looked beautiful already! Thank you to the parents and friends that came out on the 29th to help with a few last projects. The PTF put in some new gardens out front, organized the sheds out back and weeded the front gardens for a finishing touch.

The PTF has stocked the teacher’s lounge with healthy snacks for your children in case someone has a grumbly stomach during school or needs a little energy before practice. We also will be sending food home for the Brooklin Backpack Program on October 10th and if you do NOT want food to be coming home with your child during extended breaks, you will need to opt-out of the program. You can always opt back in later if you change your mind. Please use this form to OPT-OUT

If you would like to read more about this program you can go here.

Upcoming Events:

  • Friday, September 6th @ 7:30 am First Coffee Social. Come have a cup of coffee and a snack.
  • September 11th Back-To-School Community BBQ @ 5. Everyone is welcome! Please bring a side or dessert.
  • September 24th at 3:15 – PTF meeting in the library. Everyone is welcome!
  • Fill out paperwork for Brooklin School Backpack Program