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The Corona Virus
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Newsletter 3/12/20
Thank You from Jesse and Sarah Dow School Coronavirus Updates For all coronavirus updates, please visit our school webpage and follow the link for the coronavirus. I have attached the link below to directly go to the page School Internet Survey Please take a few …
SU76 Superintendent Update: Coronavirus
Dear students, families, and employees of SU76, The following shares the latest information and updates on our School Union’s response to the Coronavirus situation. As has been shared in letters home, which you can find posted at we are taking steps to increase cleaning and disinfecting of school facilities and now …
Newsletter 3/5/20
Newsletter Week of 2/27
Tonight, 3/2/20 Explore the Moon Spirit Week Door Decoration Contest Instructional Updates Prek-K Pre-K / K students had so much fun celebrating Spirit Week leading up to the Winter Carnival Day on Friday. There were even a few visits from “School Spirit” in the primary wing of the Brooklin School. Our 100th …