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Newsletter 10/10/19

PreK-8 students in front of school on first day

Thank you John Lewandowski for doing an emergency referee job for a soccer game. Reminder at Pick Up If you come into the school to pick your child up at the end of the day, please wait for them in front of the office.  Do not go to the classroom.  It is …

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The PTF would like to give a huge thank you to all of you that came to Golden Oak concert or the amazing pig roast at the Brooklin Inn. It was wonderful to see everyone out supporting the new owners and in turn donating some money to our Brooklin Backpack Program. Lisa …

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Hello!As you probably already know, I am pregnant! Our family is so excited to be welcoming our newest member in January. And while you are probably excited for me, you might also be wondering: What will happen in the classroom? Who will teach my child? Have no worries! A plan is in the …

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7/8 Newsletter • 10/6/19

Math – Mrs. Tapley: 7th grade mathematicians worked on demonstrating their understanding about unit rates with fractions on an assessment. They then began applying their work with proportions to studying scale drawings. 8th grade mathematicians practiced applying their learning about scientific notation and exponents and then completed an assessment on Friday on …

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7/8 Newsletter • 9/29/19

Super Studies – Mrs. Bebell: As we begin to wrap up our study of the global water crisis, students wrote letters to a variety of people so that they can share what they have learned and/or ask for donations to support their fundraising efforts. They also created some promotional materials for our …

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5/6 Newsletter • 10/6/19

Math – Mrs. Tapley 5th grade mathematicians demonstrated their learning so far this year on a series of “exit tickets”. This was sent home with them on Wednesday. Students then continued their work with decimals by adding and subtracting decimals. They also continued to practice their rounding skills. ELA – Mrs. Thoner We …

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5/6 Newsletter • 9/29/19

Math – Mrs. Tapley 5th grade mathematicians started their learning this week by comparing decimals and building on their understanding of equivalence in decimals. We then expanded their rounding skills to rounding with decimals, and ended the week by adding decimals using their place value understanding. 6th grade mathematicians worked with two …

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3/4 Newsletter • 10/6/19

ELA – Mrs. Thoner We continued reading Love That Dog with a focus on watching Jack, the main character, develop his understanding of what poetry is.  We learned that poetry makes “pictures with words”.  We also worked on developing our own ability to find evidence from the text when we respond to a question …

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3/4 Newsletter • 9/29/19

Math – Mrs. Tapley 3rd and 4th grade mathematicians focused their mathematical thinking this week on rounding. This was a skill some students learned last year, so these students increased their ability to round to larger place values. For others, this was a new idea and students did a great job thinking …

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