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October 6, 2021

To Parents and Guardians of the Brooklin School Community,

As you know, the safety of our school community and the students and staff within it are a top priority. That is why we must take all necessary precautions when there is potential COVID exposure. Today, a staff member’s results came back positive. This staff member works closely with much of the student and staff population. Therefore, after discussion with the Superintendent and School Nurse, we are following the CDC recommendations, and students who are not vaccinated will need to quarantine until Friday, October 15.

Students will leave today at noon. Please contact the office if making arrangements for drop-off is a challenge, or if you will be picking your child up. We will return to school and normal activities on Monday, October 18, 2021. If your child develops symptoms consistent with COVID-19:

  • Have your child tested.
  • Continue to keep your child home and avoid other activities around other people.
  • Notify the school.
  • Seek medical care and testing for COVID-19, calling your doctor before you show up.

The Blue Hill Hospital drive-up garage will be open on Saturday from 8:00-10:00 A.M. Please take your child in for a free, non-invasive COVID test. No need to make an appointment.

For educational continuity, students in grades 2-8 have been practicing remote learning on their iPads. Schedules for class times and links will be sent to you by this afternoon. Students will attend their regular classes between the hours of 8 A.M. and 11:00 A.M.. At 11:00, they will go to two half-hour specials classes. Students in grades pre-school through grade one will have a project bag. Classes will begin tomorrow, October 7, at 8:00. School lunches are available for pick up on Tuesday, 10/12/21 at 10AM.  We know this will pose as an inconvenience for many people. Thank you for your support and understanding during this challenging time. As always, please contact us immediately with any questions you may have.

With Gratitude, Dr. Jil Blake, Principal