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School Union #76 Update from Interim Superintendent Union 76

Summer on the coast brings many visitors to an area of Maine that is the wondrous gem we all call home.

All over School Union 76, I have received many warm welcomes from students, staff and community members, which are received with heartfelt appreciation.

We all hope the Covid pandemic is behind us but unfortunately the impact will be lingering. As we prepare for this upcoming school year, we do not have any firm guidance yet regarding how we should proceed but we are all wishing to get back to some form of normalcy, so we can see those bright faces of children happily engaged in learning. As we get closer to that anticipated opening day the educational team of the Union will be communicating in many forms what we must do to ensure the safety of all.

On much brighter notes:

  • Summer School -The attendance has been phenomenal with academics in the morning and social and emotional outing experiences shared by all in the afternoon. Many smiling and laughing children and adults are good to hear and see again after our long masked events these past 18 months.
  • Staffing – We are working hard to fill the vacancies that typically come as we transition from one school year to the next. We say regretful good byes to many but eagerly welcome new faces into our Union.
  • Facilities – There are many projects underway throughout the district and we face the same challenges as many of you with scarcity of people to do the work. We will do our best to navigate these post Covid impacts. However, our committed facilities personnel have made great progress prepping the learning environment inside and outside of the schools.
  • Superintendent – Mr. Christian Elkington, as many of you are aware, is on to new challenges with different views. He has shifted his career from the coast to the foothills of the mountains in western Maine. He is clearly missed and we all wish him the best. As interim since July 1st, many people have shared with me their thanks for his caring commitment and leadership on both sides of the Reach.
  • School Boards/Committees – Just around the bend, August meetings will begin in person and like all of you are looking forward to face-to-face

    interactions to support our schools and the learning to take place this coming year.

    As we reflect on these past months the word “ RESILIENCE” comes to the stern. The fog the Union faced and we all faced in our lives, seems to be lifting. As our bow goes forward the word might shift to “REACH” for better tomorrows.

    Going forward, we all learned there is more to our voyage than we imagined and we can all succeed with sustained effort. I hear optimism about seeking for new waters and let’s “REACH” it together.

    Enjoy these warm days of summer and smile to everyone you encounter as our masks come off.

    Best to you all,

    Bob England
    Interim Superintendent Union 76