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Welcome to Brooklin School. Click here to view school resources.

Start Up Letter

Welcome Back!!

School Address

PO Box 120

Brooklin, ME  04616

School starts at 7:45 AM and ends at 3:00 PM

Telephone Numbers

The Brooklin School    359-2133

FAX    359-2303

Superintendent 348-9100

Brown’s Busing 359-8053


COVID Screening

Please see the attached COVID screening and access your child/children and their health each morning before sending them to school.


New Staff at the Brooklin School

Welcome to the Brooklin School: Carolyn Sproul, 3-8 Grade Teacher, Emily Newell, Life Skills Teacher and Christine Russell, Physical Education Teacher. The student handbook has a complete list of teachers and staff and their emails.


Bus Schedules

Brooklin Bus A—Eyleen, Driver

6:50 Hales Woods Road

6:53 Bay Road

7:00 Harriman Point Road

7:06 Flye Point Rd

7:10 Old County Road

7:20 Morse Lane

7:25 Brooklin School

Proceed to GSA


Brooklin Bus B—Ben,  Driver

6:45 High Street

6:53 River Road

6:55 Reach Road

7:01 Folly Road

7:13 Naskeag Point Road

7:21 Pooduck Road

7:25 Brooklin School

Proceed to DISHS

NEW Drop Off and Dismissals

Buses will drop off students at 7:25 each morning.  Parents may drop off from 7:30 AM to

7:45 AM.  If you arrive before the buses have finished dropping off, please wait by the tennis courts till they leave.  Then parents drive up and drop off your student in a single file and one family at a time.  Do not pass any cars for the safety of students. Pick up in the afternoon will be done very similar.  Buses will load, and parents will line up behind the buses.  Do not park in front of any buses.  We will dismiss the bus riders and buses will leave.  Parent pick up will be called one student at a time in order of the parents in the drive-up line.  Parents will not be allowed in the building at any time this year, or until COVID is gone.

Student Dismissal Notes

Students are expected to have a note at the beginning of the day indicating where they will be going after school.  No bus changes will be allowed daily due to preparations will need to be made in advance.


Students are tardy if they are not present at the beginning of the school, which is 7:45 AM. Tardiness is disruptive to other student’s learning and the teacher’s instruction.

Forms Sent Home Today

All the forms: emergency forms and several permission forms were sent home today.   Please read, fill out, and return to school tomorrow.

Remote Learning

Remote learning will start on Thursday, September 10th.

Classroom Supplies

No classroom supplies are needed this year.  All supplies are being supplied to students.


Handbooks will be coming home later this week.  They will be sent digitally. If you need a paper copy, please contact Louanne.

Lunch Costs

Under a grant from the USDA, school lunches will be free of charge for all students under the age of 18 till December 31, 2020.


Please send me an email or text by September 11th whether your child will opt in or opt out of breakfast till December 31. 2020.  Breakfast will be waiting on their desk when they arrive in the morning.

Recess Zones

There will be 5 recess zones on the playground for the safety and distancing of students.  The zones will be broken down by homerooms.  The zone areas will be rotating weekly.

Newsletter Update

The newsletter will be sent home via e-mail this school year. Please e-mail me at or call me at 359-2133 with any changes in your email. 

School Board Meeting — September 8th

The School Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the school.  Please come to these meetings and make your important contributions to the school.

Brooklin School is a Nut Sensitive School

What does this mean? 

As a school community, we will work together to ensure the safety of all the children in our school. We are asking the entire Brooklin community to assist in this effort to keep children with food allergies safe. The menu in the school cafeteria will feature nutritionally appropriate substitutes for peanut and tree nut products. All staff members will share in the responsibility of keeping children safe in our school.

How can I help? 

You can help by talking with your child about food allergies and supporting the efforts taking place at school to make all children aware of the nut sensitive policy at Brooklin. Some of our efforts will include the importance of hand washing throughout the school day and not sharing food with other students. You can also help by cutting down whenever possible the peanut and nut products your child brings to school for lunch or snack as is reasonable for your family.

What if I have further questions? 

Please do not hesitate to call Jil Blake, Principal, or Louanne Munson, the Administrative Assistant, at 207-359-2133 with any questions you may have.