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SU76 Superintendent Update: Coronavirus

Dear students, families, and employees of SU76,
The following shares the latest information and updates on our School Union’s response to the Coronavirus situation.
As has been shared in letters home, which you can find posted at we are taking steps to increase cleaning and disinfecting of school facilities and now buses. We are also putting plans into place, with our staff if school facilities need to be closed, in case there are temporary school closures. We will provide more details, as well as additional links and resources as they become available. We thank you for your kind patience and cooperation as we implement disinfecting steps with the latest information made available to us from the CDC.
The best advice we can give is to wash your hands for at least twenty seconds at a time whenever possible and if you or your child(ren) feel ill keep them home.
Very truly yours,
Christian Elkington