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Welcome back!

Welcome Back!!  First Day 9/3/19

School Address

PO Box 120

Brooklin, ME  04616

School starts at 7:45 AM and ends at 3:00 PM

Telephone Numbers

The Brooklin School    207-359-2133

FAX    207-359-2303

Superintendent 207-348-9100

Brown’s Busing 207-359-8053

Bus Schedules

Brooklin Bus A—Eyleen, Driver

6:50 Hales Woods Road

6:53 Bay Road

7:00 Harriman Point Road

7:06 Flye Point Rd

7:10 Old County Road

7:20 Morse Lane

7:25 Brooklin School

Proceed to GSA

Brooklin Bus B—Jerry,  Driver

6:45 High Street

6:53 River Road

6:58 Reach Road

7:01 Folly Road

7:13 Naskeag Point Road

7:21 Pooduck Road

7:25 Brooklin School

Proceed to DISHS


Buses load at the main entrance.  Parents who are picking students up should wait by the side entrance by the gym (except for the Puffin and Pre-K students).   Students who bike or walk home are dismissed after the buses have departed.  Information about new students has been given to the bus company if they have been registered through Louanne in the office.  If you have any questions or concerns about the buses or routes, please call Brown’s Busing at 359-8053.

Student Dismissal Notes

Students are expected to have a note at the beginning of the day indicating where they will be going after school.  If a change needs to be made for a student where they are going after school, please call the office before 2:45 PM.


Students are tardy if they are not present at the beginning of the school, which is 7:45 AM. Tardiness is disruptive to other student’s learning and the teacher’s instruction.

PTF Barbecue–September 11th,  5:00 pm

The PTF (Parents Teachers Friends) group invites everyone in our school community to our annual Back To School BBQ to kick off another school year. The event will be held on Wednesday, September 11th starting at 5:00 at school. Please come and join us for this annual event for all teachers, staff, students, families and friends of the school. The PTF will grill hot dogs, hamburgers and sausages and will also provide fixings, snacks and drinks. We are asking people who attend to please bring a side dish, salad or dessert item to share with everyone. Please remember no nuts!

Lunch Costs

Lunch/Milk Program

COSTS (per day):

  • Lunch                           $ 3.00
  • Breakfast                      $1.75
  • Milk                             $  .40
  • Adult Lunch                 $7.00

One milk is served with all hot lunches.  Hot lunch includes one milk.

Order extra milk for:

  • *a second hot lunch milk
  • *milk to drink with a bag lunch from home.

All extra/snack milk cost $.40.  Families participating in the Free/Reduced lunch program are also charged $.40 per extra milk.

Newsletter Update

Anyone who is interested in receiving the newsletter via e-mail or regular mail starting in September, please e-mail me at  or call me at 359-2133.

 School Board Meeting — September 10th

The School Board meets the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 PM at the school.  Please come to these meetings and make your important contributions to the school.

 Brooklin School is a Nut Sensitive School

What does this mean? 

As a school community, we will work together to ensure the safety of all the children in our school. We are asking the entire Brooklin community to assist in this effort to keep children with food allergies safe. The menu in the school cafeteria will feature nutritionally appropriate substitutes for peanut and tree nut products. All staff members will share in the responsibility of keeping children safe in our school.

How can I help? 

You can help by talking with your child about food allergies and supporting the efforts taking place at school to make all children aware of the nut sensitive policy at Brooklin. Some of our efforts will include the importance of hand washing throughout the school day and not sharing food with other students. You can also help by cutting down whenever possible the peanut and nut products your child brings to school for lunch or snack as is reasonable for your family.

What if I have further questions? 

Please do not hesitate to call Jil Blake, Principal, or Louanne Munson, the Administrative Assistant, at 207-359-2133 with any questions you may have.

Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): 

Guidelines for Sports Teams and Gym Classes

What is MRSA?

  • MRSA is a bacteria, a special form of Staphylococcus aureus (“Staph”) that is resistant to many of the antibiotics that we usually use to treat Staph infections. Staph bacteria are the most common cause of skin infections.
  • Like other forms of Staph, MRSA is commonly present on the skin or in the noses of healthy people without causing illness. It can also be carried in the armpit, groin, or genital area.
  • When these bacteria get into a break in the skin, they can cause a skin infection. To determine whether an infection is caused by “regular” Staph or MRSA, a swab of pus or drainage from the wound is sent to the laboratory for testing.

How is MRSA spread?

  • MRSA is spread from person to person, mostly by direct skin-to-skin contact.
  • People can also get MRSA when their skin comes into contact with items that have been contaminated by bacteria from wounds in people with a MRSA infection. This could happen by sharing towels or clothing/personal equipment or when exercise mats, weights, etc…, are not cleaned off after use.

How is MRSA treated?

  • Athletes with skin infections should notify athletic or school nursing staff, and should be seen by a healthcare provider to see if treatment or and/or any tests are needed. Sometimes, skin infections need only good wound care and extra hygiene (e.g. keeping the area clean and dry, washing hands after caring for the area, carefully disposing of any bandages, and allowing the body to heal.
  • Treatment of MRSA and other skin infections often requires the use of antibiotics. The antibiotics that are used to treat MRSA are different than the ones usually used to treat regular Staph. Decisions about treatment are made by doctors, nurse practitioners, or physician assistants.

How can I prevent MRSA infection among athletes?

*Hand washing is the single most important behavior in preventing the spread of infectious disease.  Emphasize this to your athletes.