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Welcome to the Brooklin School and Back-to-school basics

As a new parent at our school, there are probably lots of questions you have. Don’t worry – you’ll catch on quickly. There is a staff and student handbook which outlines a lot of the information you’ll need to know. If you have not yet received this handbook, please ask the office for one.

Any questions you have that arise will be deftly answered by Louanne, our administrative assistant at school at (207) 359-2133. She knows EVERYTHING! Her busiest times are when school starts and at the end of the school day, so you might want to reserve long conversations for other times. Jil Blake, the principal, is reachable at the school number as well. The teachers will also provide their own contact information to you. Additionally, our school website has contact information for all the staff and faculty (

New students at the Brooklin School are automatically opted-IN to the Brooklin Backpack Program. This is a program run and funded by the PTF (Parents Teachers Friends group). We pack bags full of food for long weekends and vacations to ensure kids are getting breakfast and lunch when they are not eating at the Brooklin School. If you would like to opt-OUT of the program please fill out this form. WHERE’S THE FORM? You can always opt-IN at a different time. If you have any interest in helping with the program email or keep up with our Facebook posts to see when our next packing party is. The forms to opt-out of this program are here. If you opted out last year you will have to opt-out again because we start fresh every year.

     Please feel free to call/text Molly Blake at 207-266-1298 or Brittney Carter at 207-266-1415 with any questions you might have as a new parent at the school. Brittney and Molly head up the PTF and are always happy to help you learn the ropes.

 Joining the Brooklin School’s and PTF’s Facebook pages also are a great way to stay up to date about wonderful school events. 

Upcoming Events:

Brooklin School Basics


The main entrance to the school is located by the tennis courts across from the flagpole. As you drive in the driveway to the school, take your first right in front of our orchard. You’ll see a Brooklin School sign above the entrance. This is the door to enter the school unless there is a meeting or other community event at the school. There are many other doors to the school, though for the safety of students they are kept locked from the outside. During school hours at the main entrance you will find a buzzer to push that allows the person at the front desk to unlock the door for you, again in place for your childrens’ safety. There is no parking in front of the school by the flagpole as the buses pull up in the morning and afternoon. No parking is from 7:20-7:35 am and 2:50-3:05 pm


School begins promptly at 7:45am. Kids may be dropped off as early as 7:20 am, but should have an extra layer to play outside. If weather conditions are unfavorable they will play in the gym. If your child is riding the bus they will arrive close to 7:30 am. If you wish to drive your child to school please drop them off at the main entrance to the school. If you plan to be in the school any longer than a few minutes, please park over in the main parking area by the playground.


School gets out at 3:00pm. Please communicate with Louanne during the day whether your child will take the bus home or be picked up by you or someone else. Students taking the bus will leave via the main entrance by the orchard. If you are picking up your child at the end of the day, please park by the playground entrance by the gym which is where the children are dismissed from. If you are running late, just warn Louanne before 3pm and she will have your child wait on the benches outside the office and you can pick them up there once the buses have departed.


If your child is attending Pre-Kindergarten, you will need to accompany them into the Pre-K classroom in the morning and pick them up from the classroom in the afternoon. If you want to make special arrangements regarding drop off or pick up timing, contact Julie Wilson, the head preschool teacher.


The Parents, Teachers and Friends is a group of people committed to making the lives and experiences of the children at the Brooklin School exceptional. Our meetings are generally held the last Tuesday of every month at 3:15pm. Sometimes it changes due to school scheduling, so an accurate schedule is on the school website ( Please join us to help plan events to raise money and distribute funding for amazing projects submitted by teachers, staff, and students! 


There is both a state-approved breakfast and lunch available every day at school. It’s helpful for the school to know if your child will be eating these lunches at school or will bring their own. It’s fine to eat the school-made lunch some days and bring your own others. Louanne sends home a slip so you can communicate which you would prefer. The school will keep track of how many school meals your child eats and will bill you accordingly. You can also pay Louanne up front for your school lunches and she will let you know when you owe more money. Please take note that our school is a nut-free zone, which means that no nuts of any kind are allowed into the school.

Good luck at the Brooklin School!