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What are students learning….1/30/23

What are students learning…….

Mr. Kennerk
PK-2- Students worked with white tempera on blue construction paper, using both brush and Q-tip, to celebrate the snow! Students have yet to add the non-white details with markers due to our snowy icy snow days.  I was able to put the final touches on mine Friday.
3/4-Students receive a piece of paper with the outline of our state, Maine, and they used a ruler (and its width) to make boarders/strip-like spaces inside the state.  The students then reviewed state symbols and filled those borders with images like: lobsters, pine trees/cones, moose, blueberries, chickadees, goldenrod, boats, etc.  Sorry, no images available.
5/6-We continued our neighborhood/town scape with cardboard and TP/PT rolls. We will finish up this week and have some pics for you next week. This complements the skill of mapping that we practice frequently in conjunction with Super Studies or ELA content, yet we are stretching out into a 3D scape. *Sorry, no images yet available.
7/8-We finished up our chalk piece this week.  Students were asked to tease out an image that could be definitive or indicative.  Some students drew out a crisp image, some drew out a more nuanced image, while some experimented with many images that began to emerge and then were overtaken by more chalk or transformed into something else.  There are some below that are only halfway done due to absences.
Ms. Bebell
7/8 Super Studies
Unfortunately, due to the weather interfering so much with our schedule this week, the 7/8 class didn’t have any regular Super Studies classes! They did a great job at boatbuilding, though, when they finally got the inner gunwales prepped and clamped in place. This adds strength to the boat while making it look more finished, providing an edge that is easy for boaters to grab onto, and allowing water to drain out the sides when flipped over. People can see updates on the kids’ progress at
5/6 Super Studies
To demonstrate their understanding of simple machines, the class worked together to begin creating a Rube Goldberg machine together. They plan to finish it next week, and see if they can create a chain of events that end with Herman, our life-sized skeleton, raising his arms in the air!
3/4 Super Studies
The students are making great progress with their understanding of block coding. They can now manipulate code to change the actions, sounds, and lighting on our Sphero Indi robots.
Mrs. Courtot
K-2 Math- The K-2 Viking Mathematicians worked hard on some assessments this last week on subtraction, addition and time to the hour and half hour and five minutes. We are counting down to the 100th day of school and can’t wait until we can can bring in a 100 of something .
Ms. Julie
Due to the snow & ice days and late starts, Kindergarten and First grade writers had one writing class this week while the blended first & second group met twice. All three writing groups are working to master the parts of a sentence, sentence structure and editing. Students are working with partners to edit sentences to make sure that the first letter of the first word of each sentence is capitalized, that there are spaces in between words and that the sentence ends with a punctuation mark. In the afternoon PK/K students enjoyed listening to and then helping read the book “Snow Day”, a tale of how 4 friends get ready to enjoy a snowy day. The rhyme and repetition of the story allowed for children to chime in at the middle of sentences, which made for lots of happy “sneaky readers” helping me read! We learned the purpose of and identified all the quotation marks in the story.
Ms. Porter
School Counseling: The faculty participated in an afternoon of professional development, the purpose of which was to reflect on our multicultural competence, examine our implicit biases, and strengthen our capacity to discuss and teach topics having to do with race, identity, and culture. The afternoon centered around a screening of the award-winning film, Dawnland, which follows the first government-sanctioned truth and reconciliation commission in the U.S. as it investigates the impact of Maine’s child welfare practices on Native American communities. The film prompted questions about narrative, history, and story-telling; all of which are relevant to the role and responsibility we have as educators. The faculty will follow up this conversation with another discussion this coming Wednesday. Our intention is to weave action and awareness consciously into our work. For more information about the movie click here:  If any adult missed the film and would like to see it, please contact me. The school has a license for one year.
Ms. Eaton
Health- We unfortunately missed many health classes this week with the snow day on Tuesday and the inservice on Friday.  However in 1/2 grade, we discussed water safety and rules that we have in our individual households around water safety.  Grade 3/4 was able to meet and finish up our discussion on germs, 4th grade finished their discussion/review early and completed a quiz, while 3rd grade will complete their quiz this coming week.  7th/8th grade met and continued our discussion on the USDA MyPlate recommendations including completing worksheets on fruits, vegetables, and grains.



2/1             Basketball game home vs DISES  4PM

2/17           Early release at 12:30PM

2/20-2/24           VACATION